First day of No drinking

First time trying to quit the booze. Please let me know if anyone has any tips on how to get through the first couple of weeks!


Welcome! Congrats on making the decision to quit. Stay hydrated, stay busy, be active on here. I indulged in a little more snacks and candy the first few weeks, that helped me with cravings. Glad you’re here, this is an excellent resource.


Congrats on making a life saving decision! I had to change my entire routine and my outlook on alcohol. I had to accept the fact that it’s poison. Putting down the drink was the easy part, working my program daily is the hard part. Sobriety takes action and I have to put the same effort into staying sober as I put into drinking. If I could find time to drink everyday, I can certainly find an hour to attend a meeting.


Finding this place and reaching out have got me to my first five days with no alcohol in a very long time. Keep scrolling. Reach out if you need help. Be inspired by others. I didn’t think id make it past day 2 but I’m sooooooo happy I did. When you get a craving remember it will pass. Someone will probably post the HALT for you. (I haven’t figured out how to yet :rofl:)
So glad you are here!!!


Think I got it​:smiley::smiley:…


I am on day 4 and its not been easy. I think the first couple of weeks are going to be the hardest. I am just trying to occupy myself with anything to keep my mind off of it. I am watching Netflix, reading encouragement from this app, drinking water and soda…just anything to help distract myself. If you need to talk feel free to message me. I am just barely starting my sober journey but I know it’s easier when you have support. :heart:


Welcome to the forum. Take it moment by moment these first few days and weeks. Remind yourself you just need to get through this moment right now, and then when the next craving or urge hits, you just need to get through that moment. All of those moments become a day, then a week, then a month, and then you realize in that moment that it’s been a year. You can do this.


Love this…sooooo true. Thanks :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

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Im so glad bec i thought i was going into depression cause of this…in on day 1 helping myself not to drink ever again…

Let’s do it together! I don’t want to give up. My moods are a little up down today but these last five days without alcohol are definitely worth it.


I am with you on the moods. I am so much more irritable than I normally am.

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I’m trying to pay attention to everything else I need like rest, breathing, staying hydrated and making the healthiest foods choices I can. I’m trying to find other things to look forward too . I feel better then I did yesterday and yesterday was better than the day before… Tonight might be hard but we are ordering Thai food and I bought another special non alcoholic drink to have. It’s only 2 pm here. Not thinking about it too much yet.

Congratulations my friend just stay focus and always remind yourself of the reason that makes you wanna quit, that will set you on a part of recovery.
First couple of weeks is not gonna be easy but just put your foot on the gas pedal and keep going, through perseverance and dedication you will win many battles.

Im on day 12. Yes it can be really hard but I have found a great AA group and have gone to meetings for the last 6 days. Getting so much love and support from them. May be a good option. Sending Hope and Love your way. Keep up the good fight !