First day progress

Hi all im so glad to have you here to listen . I’ve given up weed today . I’ve tried many times to address my chronic alcoholism but not in anyway living sober . My cannibis use is insane .at least a hundred pounds a week to myself , then ploughing as many units of alcohol as I can drink on top of that . Waking up in fields ,train stations ,city’s hundreds of miles away from home ,hospitals and police stations asking why im there and me having no clue have become very normal . Im a five foot 2 eight stone 43 year old female who has no idea how I’ve survived so far . Im writing all this for accountability for myself today , 26 years with weed and twenty as an alcoholic is going to require all I have in me to give up , the grief I feel right now having to lose all the people I love because thier not on my ride anymore is a lot to bear today but I’m doing it one half hour at a time until this first days over . I hope this makes a bit of sense . I’m not used to talking on computers . But if anyone has any advice I’d gratefully appreciate it . My body’s in hell today but I’m retching sweating palpitating and spinning through it.


Welcome @19801 - you are not alone.

My addiction is a different behaviour, but addictions have a lot of common elements, and I understand.

You are not alone in needing to be healthy (sober), and you have help. If you seek help from books and podcasts and groups - Resources for our recovery - and if you commit to one simple action every day (and take it one day at a time, not worrying about the future), you will make it.

Welcome to Talking Sober!


Thank you I’ll take a look


Im 35days any form of marijuana free

How are you feeling?

My best advice is everyone feels the feels good and bad
How you get through them is thd game changer

And yes cravings and withdrawal from weed is real
Use talking sober as a huge ressorse. It helped me

Keep reading
Keep posting


Thanks for your post I sometimes feel not many understand weed is hard to stop too , I’m on day two and I’m ok sweating it out trying to keep calm not easy with mum and daughter today (mum smokes weed ) but getting on with it . It did feel good to talk to people outside today as I don’t normally talk to anyone because I’m stoned or dunk

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To tell the truth not many do understands weed is hard to stop but that is ok. What matteres is that we can live the happiest and healthiest version of ourselves.

Dont be hard on yourself
Quitting alcohol and weed at the same time is very difficult.

Just always keep comming back when your having a rough time especially with the substances

It is possible to live sober


Thank you Matt for the resource recommendation. The seed podcast has been an amazing help this week ,she calms my racing brain to concentrate on her ,me and then sleep :zzz:

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First of all…well done on taking this step. You should be very proud for acknowledging you have a problem you need help with.

Secondly, yes…I absolutely know what you’re talking about. The discomfort you feel is us trying to live with ourselves. Peeling back the onion layers. Doing the work. Booze isn’t going to help that. It’s only an attempt at a solution.

Try asking yourself why you feel like you do. Try and discover where it comes from. In my case it has to do with stuff from my childhood. Low self esteem, low self worth and an utterly negative mindset.

I am trying to learn to forgive myself, to love myself and accept that I am worthy.

Hang in there!!

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Thank you and yes I have all of that to work through, my childhood was horrific, I’ve repressed it all for 25 years with addiction s I know if I don’t Get help for it I probably won’t heal so I’m gonna on a waiting list ! Time to start facing ,25 years is long enough to drag yourself through purgatory