First day sober after 3rd try need help

Hello guy just started first day sober it’s my birthday today so decided to do 3rd and the last attempt for my birthday present. Just wanted to ask I’m only 28 each time I collapsed again into drinking each time it getting worse physically . I’m constantly hearing buzzing in ears 2nd day can’t sleep . Did anyone experienced sever buzzing im scared it doesn’t go away forever …

I never have experienced buzzing But lots of other crazy things. Just try to get through the next 24 hours and hopefully it goes away if not I would try talking to my doctor. How are your night sweats?any crazy dreams? Those were the hardest part of getting sober for me. I also have had failed attempts But I am back in AA and I am very focused this time around. You can do it. Happy Birthday. Just focus on getting through today! Here if you need to talk!:heart::pray:

Thank you :pray: I feel like my brain melting always and severe panic attacks even on meds still can’t sleep Valium seems doesn’t do much for calming me down I guess doctor gave me small dose for my body weight
I tried stopping by this time myself was afraid to have seizure like last time
Probably depends how many units I was drinking around 50 a day for women this is a monthly intake :exploding_head:

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Hi Lucy, does your doc know how much you were drinking? Alcohol withdrawal can be dangerous! And to my knowledge benzos like valium are not a good idea for the alcoholic to rely on as the body breaks it down much like alcohol. So try to get off them soon as, they can trigger cravings and keep you in the alcoholic state of mind, chemically.

You’re sleepless cos the sedating effect of the massive amounts of alcohol you used to consume are wearing off. Naturally, in a few days when you’re physically sober and the brain can come to an equilibrium, the sleep will return. It can take a few months to get to a place where you get enough and restful sleep. But it will happen, on its own.

I experienced severe auditory hallucinations, voices buzzing noises, whatever. My nerves were overwrought, much like yours are now, from alcohol withdrawal. So we get anxious and experiences shit that isn’t real. It’ll pass.
If you’re unsure that something more physical is going on, do see your doc again. Can’t harm!

Stay strong and sober. Interact and read as much as you can here. It helps. Just hoping for the third try to stick won’t help. You need a game plan and some action. Being active on this forum, going to AA, establish a daily routine for yourself that benefits your health, your mental well-being, keeps the house clean, it all is important. Looking after other people and/or pets. Reading literature on addiction and alcoholism. Podcasts. Use the magnifying glass up top to look for keywords and resources. There is so much here.

Best of luck!

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I’m starting work now so this will be brief…ive put my tips and advice list on here…which if you search and read you may find useful…but in a nutshell I would say…whatever negatives you are experiencing are temporary and ultimately a life without the 100s of negatives that alcohol provides will always be better. Good luck, stay strong. Never question your decision to quit…you got it spot on.

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What got me sober? In the beginning, I lived on here. I replaced anything that had to do with alcohol. That meant changing people, places, and things. I found a recovery program to help as well.

I came to a point where I only had 2 options. Die drinking or live sober. So, with that desperation I did, and will still do, anything necessary to stay sober.

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Here’s a list…take from it anything that helps

1 Read Alcohol Explained by William Porter (you can get audio version from audible)
2 Go to as many aa meetings as you can. Listen, share if you feel OK to, engage, get phone numbers
3 Get busy. Housework, exercise, new hobby, gardening, baking, YouTube rapping, movies…anything. Don’t leave yourself any free time.
4 Be honest with yourself. Why are you stopping, how do you feel…
5 Read Alcohol Explained 2
6 stick to your decision to quit and never doubt or question it. You got it right.
7 If you do ever wobble or get tempted, ask yourself one simple question… What will it add? Will it make a good situation better? Will it make a bad situation better. My years of frequent horrid experiences have shown for me, the answer is it adds nothing and makes nothing better.
8 Stay here, keep reaching out, use your peers’ support and experience
9 help others as soon as you feel you can, even in the very early days. I’m only 13 days and honestly it’s helping me to help you. I can reread my advice to you and then reapply it to my own situation
10 Pray. Doesn’t matter if your not religious or don’t know who or what you’re praying to - I don’t, I could be praying to myself. But I’ve found over the past fortnight that getting on my knees, asking (out loud) for strength, asking for a sober day and then giving thanks for that strength and sobriety has felt extremely empowering.
EDIT: 11-14 thank you to Facebook forum friends

11 Look for the fun in the journey!
12 Every day pay attention to what is improving. Even the little things, like being able to remember someone’s name after being introduced.
13. Make self care a priority; find the things that you can do to make yourself feel pampered and that will destress you in a healthy way.
14. Learn to identify and change your negative self talk.


I tried many times to detox myself on my own. I only ever succeeded when I was locked up for a day or two. I’m not suggesting that detoxing in jail is a grand experience!

Maybe look for a medically supervised detox, maybe a short term place or at least a call to your doctor where you will have to be honest.

I had auditory hallucinations too, which did go away after I stopped drinking.

As soon as you are able, get to an AA meeting, they will help you stay sober!


Today is my 3rd attempt at getting clean from meth. Today is day 1. Good luck, just get through today

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I got medical detox is my second day as by myself I was close to seizure twice and once had it last time . So 2nd day sober feeing much better for the first time in a month managed to go outside didn’t realise how lovely morning can be without a pain I guess my body cannot handle alchohol no more drink and die or live I work in a night club pays really they didn’t fired me now mental battle will begin :pray:


Congratulations my 3rd attempt 2nd day had to pay for private detox sadly couldn’t make it by myself hope you doing well I had the all withdrawals on the list that you could have was afraid of seizure again so decided to put my savings for a good cause

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Everyone is different, and have different withdraw symptoms. Normally, these are short term. I do recall, when I was drinking a fifth every night and it happened to be Everclear…. I did this for like a month long 55 units a night! I can’t explained how, I’m still alive… because everyday as soon as I woke up, I wanted to die and the only relief in my mind was to go the liquor store. Somehow, in the midst of that battle, I came to my sense and essentially cold turky it. Lots of prayers to God, and Church every Sunday. I wish, God took the taste out of my mouth, but I still had some relapses… but the saying, “Sick and tired of being sick and tired” is a real thing, and I’m 100% sure everyone here has been to that bottom.

It literally took 14-21 days to finally feel sober and normal. I ate healthy food, vitamins and supplements to include Milk thistle. Rested when I could, but sleep was only few hours a night in 30-45min increments. I exercised 2 hrs a day to distract me from the drink, as well to try and exhaust myself to sleep. Read everything possible about this nasty disease, trying to figure out the whys…

Absolutely, go to the Doctors if you need to. It takes a very strong mind, and relatively healthy body to fight this without medical attention.

We are all here for you, and have been almost in your exact spot.


I felt clammy for about a week. My ears ring anyway so I would not have noticed. Keep at it. I tried several times but this time stuck. I’m 437 days today. I went into therapy and it has helped me stay sober. Stay strong :muscle:

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Had the same feeling I couldn’t even make to shop felt like having heart attack only way to get booze was Uber eats or deliveroo or manipulating family members to bring me some felt like shit asking my sober mates to bring me some cider I mean minimum 8 cans 7.5% minimum was stealing alchohol from my mum searching every room in house hold if they have some. It was breaking my heart I went that low delivery drivers stop asking for an id I they remembered me delivering booze 2/3times a day so much money and health wastes day 3 sober :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:

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