First day sober and first day in this group hoping to find people that know what I am going through and can help along what I know will be a long journey

It’s great when something just clicks and you decide enough is enough. Funny how it can just feel different, I completely understand what you’re saying. :two_hearts:


Day 2. Just got to keep telling the drink monster in my head i dont need or want a drink.


The drink monster, that’s a brilliant name for it lol :rofl: I call mine the wine bitch! :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I think it helps to give it a name. I regularly tell mine to eff off. The good news is that the voice does get quieter the more you ignore it. Keep going @Benge you are doing great! :+1::two_hearts:

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Forget the past, be kind to yourself and stay supported. We are all here for you.

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Hey @April84 saw this and thought of you my friend…



Everyone is coming on board been on this app for 37 days I love the encouragement and also the hard advice and just straight up honesty sometimes. This app as really helped me.


I like that, forget the past,live in the present and look forward to a better future

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Glad to hear it

Day four now still going.

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You cant drive a car backward all the time so look forward and drive on.

Keep on keeping on !!..stay strong, stay positive and keep the faith :grinning::100::pray:t5:

Today is my first day. I’m getting though it knowing that is the last time I’ll have to feel like this