First Day sober ...Lets start a new life #cocaine

Yeah! Day 12

Still Sober

So Happy

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You are doing so well! Congrats and keep going :muscle:t2:I’m still trying, got to 46hrs but another reset earlier tonight :triumph:I don’t even feel anything from it or want to do it anymore. It’s such a strong compulsion. I even went through my phone and deleted every text msg and every call from the history, but realised tonight, I forgot to also delete his number :pensive:I was doing so well and feeling really determined to make it but here I am. Tomorrow will be Day 1, but I am even more determined to fight on now, there is absolutely nothing positive about it, my septum is badly perforated, I sound like I’m holding my nose when I talk, I don’t even know if it can ever heal but there’s only one way to find out. Hope this motivated rather than triggers anyone. Stay strong.


One month Yeah!!
God bless you all


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That’s awesome. Way to stay strong!

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Well done you! You should be so proud of yourself, keep going :muscle:t2: