First day sober :)

Today is my first day sober off fentanyl I prayed about it, in Jesus name.


Fentanyl kills, so I’m so glad you decided you had enough of it. Welcome here and congratulations with your day one! :facepunch:


Hey Juan! I’m Sarah, pleased to meet you :blush: it’s awesome to hear that you’ve made that first step and decided to quit. This is a great place to be, I hope to see you around here :heart:


Welcome to an awesome sober community! Buckle down because it wont be fun for a little bit but if you can get through that first week nothing can stop you. Check in here often and find a sober community in person if possible.

We are here for you


Wow good job that shit is the worst EVER. Don’t loose the fight in this battle. You will get through the detox, and when you do your going to see a warrior you didn’t even know existed. The sauna is a lifesaver to speed up the proccess, double your water intake. Magnesium will really help relax the body. Breathwork like Whim holf (search youtube it will come up first) will instantly lower your blood pressure as well as increase c02, providing your mind and body with just the right relief. Good luck