First day - weed addiction

It’s time for me. I am starting as of now. Just threw almost all weed accessory-related item away. Don’t have anything to consume anymore at home.


Hope it’s not too rough.


Why not all? You won’t be needing it. This was the approach I had to take. Just get rid of every piece of paraphernalia.

Anyhow – congrats on making a great choice. You will be ok. In my experience, it’s the first 3 days that are the toughest. Personally, I would get really bad night sweats for those few days but (thankfully) not much else in terms of negative effects.
I recommend finding something to fill your time with. I am very much a creature of habit, and removing weed from my nightly routine was the toughest part.


Hey @TMAC!

I know… I was thinking the same when I wrote this… :confused:

So I’m taking a university course right now on the principles of recovery … I guess this will be helpful and will keep me busy!

Ah man this is scary… Coming back to reality… Leaving that little cloud that I thought I was well in…


You will do great, as long as you stick to your guns. The negative aspects of quitting wear off much faster than you would imagine, and the positive aspects outweigh them by ten-fold :slight_smile:

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Yeeees! You started early, Karine! Good you for!

As @TMAC said, get rid of the rest. Right now. Right, right now.

So happy for you, and proud of you for taking the plunge. You can do this. I know you can.

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Thanks @Iwebt!

Yep, started early!

I am mentally preparing myself to throw away my last weed-associated accessory but I’m unable right now :confused: it’s like too many steps for me right now :pensive:

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Well done, ever wanna chat give me a shout out, I’m on day 38 and that stuff has had me on my knees crying, probably more to do with the nicotine I’ll never know, it’s in the house as my partner smokes and even today I picked up a spliff and had a mental battle with myself, I WON. So ever need a chat it will be my pleasure.

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One more thing I forgot about – delete your dealers phone number.

If you’re somewhere that its legal its trickier, but don’t go anywhere near the place.

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He you!
It is my DOC as well.
Good for you. And since your in college I guess you are much younger then me.
That makes me happy!
I was on it for 20 years.

I am at 169 days canna free :pray:t2:

Any questions welcome to ask.

Would advise you watch the Roadmap to recovery to prepare yourself on what lays ahead of you recovery wise.


Tha joker is No Longer a midnight toker. Do you smoke tobacco or did you quit the lot.

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Never smoked tabacco seperate in the first place… Seemed so useless cause no buzzzz right. I have never understood the attraction off cigarettes.

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I might have dreamt it but I vaguely remember you saying this before but TBH there are a few other ex smokers on here so who knows. Your the perfect person to ask this then bc I used tobacco to make joints but would you say weed is physical addictive or just mentally addictive. IMO I think mentally.

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Well… Paul. I am not a doctor :wink:

I think every addiction is physical since addiction works the working of your brain. It screws up the working of your neurotransmitters or better said the receptors. That is not mental. Check the video linked above it sheds some light on the matter.

The mental parts of weed addiction I think are much like any other addiction, differences lay in the psychosomatic part since cannabis is in the mids of an uplifting and a downer. Depending on the strain and strenght.

Little more then you asked for sorry bro!

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Are you sure your not a doctor. WOOOSH. straight over my head. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Okay let me try to explain…

Dopamine is what gets people the happy feels.
Dopamine is being distributed in your brain from A to B (A gives dopamine B receives and translates it to happy)

When in use the substances will ruin the workings of B by getting all up in there.
So when A comes nothing really happens anymore. And B keeps wanting more to get the same result since it is soaked in the DOC.

When in recovery A start of by giving loads since the body is being deprived of the substance.
After a month or so… A says mmmm fuck this this is not normal. Imma quit for a bit
B goes crazy screaming out for more (graving)

After a while your system should start to recover from it if not damaged permanently.

Does this help :man_shrugging:t2:

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yes :joy: :joy: :joy:. I was just joking with you about the long words but still it’s nice to read it in my common language. Night mate. Gonna see how sleep goes…

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I’m not much younger, 37 :wink:

Some courses I’m taking personally and professionally.

I never used tobacco… I smoked cigars for like 2 years and still, would use my substance alone.

Weed makes me mentally and physically addictive.
If I don’t smoke:
Mentally: big downs, only way to “feel” something, craving more, less patient, isolation…
Physically: feel like throwing up, more stiff, super anxious, headaches…

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I feel like throwing up already… Going to bed. The day is already too long for me :cry:

Day 203 for me first two weeks were terrible night terrors night sweats you really gotta want it destroy all using paraphernalia and get rid of contact with users and dealers go to NA meetings

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Hahahaha well never mind that age remark then right. All the other stuff I said is still just as valid :joy:

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