First game night sober, struggling to stay strong

And it sounds like you are enjoying it! I have two game groups and the ladies drink wine. Some don’t drink. We all have a blast.

So proud of you for resisting. How was game night this Friday?

Also remember to keep in mind you are abstaining from alcohol for you. This is not about your husband at all. Focus on you and what makes you the best version of yourself.

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Brilliant stuff! Soon it will be totally normal to not drink and you won’t even think about it!

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Game night was awesome! We alternate between board games and D&D depending on who comes, and yesterday ended up being a D&D night. I was able to roleplay better, remember stuff, and I didn’t fall asleep at the table. Felt really good. Helped that no one else had any drinks.

And thank you. My husband and I have been together since we were 19, and we’re 35 now. I had no self-esteem for the first part of our relationship and became extremely codependent. Defining myself as my own person outside of him has been an ongoing process for a while and I still struggle with it sometimes.


Geez, I hope so! It’s mentally exhausting to beat back the cravings every night. I’m hopeful that that eventually goes away :confused: