First haircut in 23 months

My last haircut was 23 months ago. I was still using and drinking at the time. I was drunk and used cocaine in the bathroom because I couldn’t wait to be somewhere else.
I’ve been growing my hair out and today had a very close friend come over and I finally had the ends trimmed up.

I’ll be two years clean and sober on May 10.

My how times have changed.


:star_struck: niice! I just took my sobriety beard off this January!


That’s a great thing to celebrate. Addiction can be hell.
Keep up the great work


Very nice :ok_hand: A fresh cut always gets you feeling good about yourself. It’s about that time for me. It’s been over a year but I’m very sporadic with my hair. I’ll wake up one day and decide it’s time to cut 10 inches off! Love it for a while and keep up with trims until I get sick of maintenance and grow it out again, which is where I am now :rofl:


Nice :+1::muscle:. Congrats on your clean and sober time.
I totally understand the fact that we neglect to do the things that we used to normally do, because we’re too busy letting addiction come first

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Way to get to the cusp of 2 years clean and sober. What a proud moment! It’s interesting to hear about sobriety hair growth and it makes sense. If only I had hair that didn’t fall out so often🤣

Looking gorgeous girl and I’m very proud of you :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: