First honest month completely clean & sober

Today I get my first honest full 30 days clean and sober. It was hard at first but missing my son’s 3rd birthday was the biggest wake up call I needed. I nw have 2 things to celebrate every March 20th, his birthday being the most important day in my life but also as a milestone and landmark to what I needed to do and keep doing to get back to him and have him in my life again. No desires to drink or use. Success is my only motherfucking option from here on. Thanks to all for the support since I started here and to all of you steuggling, there is hope, a second chance and much better life ahead. Find that one thing that motivates you and use that as the beacon to keep you on the right path. We can do this.


Congratulations @DarthTjader. Nice month you had. Just discovered that you and I share the same sobriety date. Thanks for sharing. Let’s celebrate. Yeeeeeesssssss!


Congratulations @DarthTjader and @KevinesKay :slight_smile:


Nice bro, wish you the best :slight_smile:

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Congratulations!!! :confetti_ball::tada::grinning:

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Kudos on 30 days!! - that is a major milestone. :tada: :fireworks: :boom:

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Many many thanks all! It’s a long hard road out of hell but worth the work! And congrats @KevinesKay! every day 6 feet above beats every day feet under or so i hope :wink: First 4/20 I won’t be getting high in 15 years and I don’t miss it one bit!

Congrats on an honest 30 days and 1,000 nights @DarthTjader