First hour of the first day

It’s my first day. First hour actually, and I really don’t think I can do this.
Being alone with my own mind is a nightmare. Any advice on how to face yourself on day one? And two? And all the rest of it?
Thanks in advance


Do the small things. In the start it is very hard and difficult to break the habit but just remember in the back of your mind that the withdrawals are a good sign.

It means your brain is going through positive change. Podcasts helped me in the early days.
Also make sure or atleast try to get your 8-9 hours of sleep and make sure you are eating enough as well or on time.

It does get easier. That’s not just something people say but in fact it’s very true as I’ve done through it.

You got this !


Just for today…thats what I tell myself. Everyday.
How about I do this just for today. Just for this hour, just for this minute. And see where it gets me…you know the right thing to do is never the easiest thing to do…give yourself a chance. Talk to yourself like you would talk to your best friend.
Just for today.
Remember, we are here and you got this
Sending you lots of love and positive energy


Early days are toughest. Read read and read more!
Tire yourself with knowledge and keeping your mind distracted is what worked for me.

It does get easier as you go, but you have to put in a lot of mental work to start.

You absolutely can do this if you believe the sober life is the most rewarding way to live… because it absolutely is…

Best wishes


Finding and attending an AA meeting takes time out of your day, some effort of thought and action, and brings you some hope and comfort.


Welcome… know you have support from all over the world. Lots of experience and wisdom here. Check in here every couple of hours today. Make sure your DOC is not in the house. :muscle: . Stay strong.


I lived on here! I was active here. That helped a lot. Those that are active here, tend to have sobriety. I also went to AA meetings and Recovery Dharma meetings.


Thank you, that’s such a good advice. To do this just for today. It really helps to think of it that way!


I’ll check in every few hours. Thank you. This is such a great community. :blossom::pray:


Thank you so much for the encouragement! :pray::blossom:


Welcome! You asked how to face yourself, and if by that you mean dealing with the shit from the past that has gone on /with drinking and/or using, then I’m going to say, let that shit go. Don’t allow your brain to hold you hostage for things you can’t change. We could all continually beat ourselves up about it but we’d be miserable and have a hard time finding hope.

Our past experiences (family, financial, work, worsening health, and lots more) are what got us to this point. We don’t forget them, we use them as self reminders of what we don’t ever have to do again. We use them as shares to others to open up and to help others know they are not alone on this path. It gives both sides some comfort.

For today we don’t have to, or need to drink or use. And during this clean & sober day we get to help others, clean up our world a little bit, and get healthier all in the same time.

That’s how I face this daily. If I don’t i know that BS voice in my head will try to weasel back in and get me to think I’m somehow not an alcoholic… there’s no doubt I am, through and through.

Hope this helps. Hugs to ya friend and let’s live life differently together!


I know you’re right. Difficult as it may be to admit to ourselves who we are… I’ll do what you said. I’ll do what everyone here has told me. Thank you for the great advice and support. I feel better already :pray::blossom::heart:


Try a meeting they will help you ,helped me stay sober wish you well


You got this! For me my first day it really was just about getting through it one moment and even one breath at a time. I also stuck close to this community, reading everyones stories. It gave me hope.

For cravings, I indulged in sour patch kids and la croix with frozen fruit! It helped to have something for that oral fixation if you were a heavy drinker like I was. Always needing something.

Staying grateful for what I do have in that moment. Even if its just waking up that day or the smell of fresh air.

Much love and hugs :purple_heart::people_hugging::pray:


Thank you for sharing your story and for your advice. I don’t think I could have got through today if not for this app and the wonderful community here. I wish I’d found it sooner. :pray::blossom::heart:


You know, the oral fixation thing really resonates with me. I bite my nails and chew my fingers constantly. I also used to eat a lot of gum. And I don’t mean I ate gum often, I mean I ate ALL of the gum at once. But there’s so much sugar in gum, my teeth are already messed up from grinding, and the mint gum I could be eating probably contains aspartame or something else toxic. Still, I bet if my mouth was full I wouldn’t default to drinking as often.


How is your day going?



What worked for me (and continues to work for me) is keeping it short, sweet & simple. The cliché is corny, but true: One Day At A Time. I’m only at 438 days Clean; however, I still approach it day-by-day. And, sometimes, I break those days down into increments of an hour or even 5 minute pockets. Especially at the beginning of my recovery. If I let myself think too far ahead, I’d become overwhelmed and panicky…30 days felt like 30 years away. I was also open & willing to change and advice/suggestions from people who had substantial Clean time and who genuinely wanted to help me and had my best interests in mind. I still “baby step it,” because I never wanna go back to where I was in active addiction. “You’re on to something BIG,” as They say…:v:t2::heart::metal:t2:


Herbal tea
Sparkling water

I kept my mind busy and my thirst at bay.


19 hours! I feel like I can do this. I had a few moments when I thought why should I bother, but then I opened the app and decided to stick to.
Thanks for checking up on me :blossom::purple_heart::pray: