First Milestone detoxing at home

I’m attempting my 4th at home detox over the long wekend. Almost at the 3 day milestone. I had to give my car keys an all money to a friend to achieve this. I still dont trust myself once im out in the real world though and im struggling to comprehend a future with complete abstinence.
Looking forward to reading through all your posts.


Welcome @Csmoo :wave: :innocent:

Lots of good posts to read here on Talking Sober. For me, my recovery has always depended on connecting with other people: it’s my community. I was alone in my addiction, always alone. In community, I am learning how to be with other people in recovery, without hiding myself in my addiction.

Looking forward to hearing more from you :innocent:


So good to have you here! You know soon enough you’ll never have to do day two ever again!

Well, you could simply not project out to the years/decades you’ll be living and just remind yourself that you don’t need or have to drink or use today.

Do that, wake up feeling a little bit better and repeat! Emotions will flood in, they are normal- we wouldn’t have been born with them if they weren’t.

Future tripping will fuck with all our heads. Haven’t we done enough of that shit already?

Breaking the early days into single day increments helps us stay true to ourselves and the course.
You’re doing great things for yourself, C!


“Detoxing at home” is an oxymoron. “Detox” means you are medically monitored in a medical facility. The need and referral for detox is made by a medical or substance use professional. You are not capable of assessing yourself. You cannot detox at home.

Normally I wouldn’t bother to reply to someone who is clearly missed the point of my whole post but I can confirm that I have “detoxed” in a hospital before, and am aware of its meaning. Local hospital no longer offers this service so my doctor gave me the medication (diaz, 60mg per day to begin with) I needed to detox at home and nurse came and tesed my blood pressure and completed the withdrawal scale every day.
“Medically assisted detoxification”


Glad to read you did it. Hope you’re doing well. Thanks for posting.


Why are you struggling to grasp you can never use again.

You sure as hell can I did and now I close to 40 days just cos something doesn’t work for you doesn’t mean it’s wrong if it works it works


Great job! You should be proud of yourself! Once you get over this hump, you don’t ever have to go back to feeling like this again… and not to get into semantics, but detox is short for detoxification. When we use, we put toxic substances in our system, when we get off it, we remove it. I don’t care if you’re in a hospital, or a cave in the mountains. Either way we’re getting all that garbage out of us so we can get back to feeling great naturally again! And you will, keep up the great work!


@Csmoo well done. I know what you mean when you say

For about the first 2 months of sobriety I didn’t go into 1 shop without a companion who knew I was in recovery. Then one day I decided I had to fend for myself lol. These things take time.

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Im unsure really, social anxiety? The feeling that I cant enjoy myself or relax without alcohol? That Id be boring company if not deunk and chatty? Its just the fear.
But i have too much to lose now after a relapse a week ago. Never drinking again feels okay now, I am starting to have faith.

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I did a similar thing, gave my $ and car keys to a family member so they HAD to be with me if I needed to go to the shops.

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Get comfortable with being uncomfortable my friend. We use to numb. We use to regulate our emotions.

Let’s stop hurting ourselves with booze and drugs and feel those uncomfortable feelings. Challenge ourselves. Push back against the self hate we feed ourselves and find healthy ways to love ourselves.

You ARE worthy!!


Hi @Csmoo we keep it in the one day here. Don’t head trip yourself about forever , you stay sober for one day and you keep going everyday you wake up .eventually with the right plan , programme you will not need one anymore it does get easier stick at it and use us for support :+1:

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Thank you, ive blocked out the uncomfortable for many years.

Me too @Csmoo ….far too much repression! I’m going to be working through it now so I don’t relapse on it later . It’s my DAY 14 tomorrow this last week has been so enlightening I was quite sick for the first week but this week has showed me I can be happy or at least survive !!!for a whole week without substances im so grateful for this forum and my AA crew


@Aussie_Tiger . your such a strength to me on here
This message you sent is imo is the most important lesson in our recovery IMO…GET COMFORTABLE WITH BEING UNCOMFORTABLE
Let’s stop hurting ourselves with booze and drugs and feel those uncomfortable feelings. Challenge ourselves. Push back against the self hate we feed ourselves and find healthy ways to love ourselves. I relapsed sooo many times because I wasn’t prepared or able to do this​:persevere::tired_face::triumph: I’m scared shitless now but I’m doing it daily ,hourly when I have to .it’s got to be done to get and keep my sobriety

You ARE worthy!!


@19801 You are so welcome and I’m glad you can draw from that. I’m practicing that right now as we speak!!

How is your journey going my friend?

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It’s going well thanks @Aussie_Tiger . Two weeks AF today. On the 31st I will be two week s completely sober . I’m learning to be grateful for the many gifts I’m offered ,and to enjoy what i have in my life right now not feel worried or angry at the things I don’t . If I’m ment to have them they will come to me ,I’ve let go of control and it’s bloody revelation . It’s 7:00AM here the sun shining .I’m going to phone Child maintenance at 8 they don’t seem to answer any other time of day :roll_eyes: so I’m being the early bird that hopefully catches the worm :worm:


Well done. Keep it up my friend!!