First night without cannabis and I’m nervous, scared, breaking down a bit

My sober journey started today; earlier it was going well, but I haven’t gone a night without smoking weed in 5+ years and tonight will be the first time. I didn’t go to the dispensary when I realized they were going to be closed soon and it would be my last opportunity, just sat here and cried… which I’m proud of all things considered, but I haven’t stopped crying and I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to sleep and I’m essentially freaking out and I don’t know who to talk to about this.


Well it could be tough in the beginning but you are making a great long term decision to quit. Drink some water and maybe read some marijuana withdrawl material online.

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Hope you made it through the night. Remember why you decided to quit. That hasn’t changed. Just do what you need to do to stay sober today. Checking in here helps.

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Thank you :yellow_heart:

I made it through, and the almost-day I’ve been on this forum has already been so helpful.


Keep dark chocolate on hand
Mix it with strawberries, a powerful antioxidant

The dark chocolate will work with your bodys endocannabinoid system and mimic some effects, just slightly. You can eat mangos to help with insomnia, since they contain myrcene. Honestly, i would find foods that have terpenes that are also found in cannabis, that are healthy for you, snd then i would recommend a lot of exercise. Build up slowly, but then just keep doing it.

And then just have a cannabis free life, if thats what you’re deciding to do! Best of luck. I think quitting is easier when you deliberately throw away your stash, instead of finishing it.

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