First Post--Not my first time trying to quit

First time posting.

Frustrated with sobriety. Frustrated with myself. I made it two weeks, two REALLY difficult, humbling, agonizing weeks. And then I relapsed. After that I said fuck it and went back to drinking, but struggled and worked really hard to tone it down, drink less than before. That went on for about a week and a half. Two days ago I decided to commit to sobriety again.

My frustration is coming from feeling like I’ve been struggling and hurting for almost a month, but then opening up the app and seeing my count is at 2 days. I’m just mad at myself.


The first weeks are a struggle for most people, if you can power through it is eventually on your mind less and starts to go a bit faster. Working some sort of programme helps many of us be it AA, NA, smart recovery, refuge recovery, read some of the great books recommended on here like this naked mind etc🙂


whats helped me in the past is identifying my ‘triggers’ and moving away/past them. sometimes its a person, an experience, a smell or maybe its just simply passing by a local liquor store. best of luck to you! x


Welcome @Gabi17. Try again. Dont give up. Congrats on the 2 days


Let that anger and disappointment fuel your sober journey. It sounds to me like you know the benefits sobriety offers and you are ready for that new life. Keep at it and you will see those days add up again. And great job getting back after sobriety!!


Thank you all so much. Just reading these really lifted my spirits.


What helped me for the most is being here every day. Read here to learn about my addiction and check in sober. I’m here since my day one.
Leave your frustration behind, it doesn’t help you.
Focus on now, this day! Put all your energy in it.
Keep us posted! 🙋


Maybe try a meeting they will help wish you well


I am 3 days sober and this is like my 4th or 5th time trying but everytime before I think I did not take is as serious as it was because I didnt take advice from others who have been sober for years on end. I thought I would be able to be around the same crowds and not do meetings but I am here to admit I cannot do this alone and I am not strong enough to tolerate it in my face so I’m changing my ways of dealing with this problem I caused for myself so I can change my life