First post, sick of alcohol

Hi, I’m J

I’ve been drinking pretty heavily for the past 10 years or so, really got bad after spending 3 months in the neonatal ICU with my kid to numb out the experience. Before that it was only really at parties and social events that I would drink, the gym was a big part of my life.

Fast forward to now, I’m nearly 30 and divorced, ex took the kid halfway across the country and alcohol doesn’t have the same effect it used to. It’s become an enemy of life that sticks around like a disease. I wish so bad to go back, to change things. I’m sick of it. But I’m also afraid of life without it. I know that if I stop I will have to face everything that I’ve been running from.

Where to begin?


Welcome Jay! :blush:
I also used alcohol (and drugs) as a way to escape from life’s problems. It was a common coping mechanism for many of us. However, while it provided temporary relief, it ultimately led to more problems and complicated existing ones.

I ended up seeking outside help, knowing I couldn’t do this alone. There’s no shame in asking for help. I did this by going to an intensive outpatient program followed by AA. Learning healthier coping skills through the AA program has been life changing for me. Now, I can face life’s problems head on without a substance.

Make an action plan and get started today. Here’s a link you may find helpful to get you started.
Resources for Recovery


Welcome to the Community :raising_hand_woman:


That was the perfect beginning. We are all addicts here. Read around to find what helps. If you put the work in and open yourself to the opportunity you will never have to drink again. Welcome!


“The enemy of life”

I find this very insightful, it is 100% true and you have put it very eloquently.

Someone else said that soberiety is like “unplugging from the Matrix”

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Welcome @JayP this is an amazing,supportive sober community. Read around and check in lots. Alcoholics say this alot but take things one day at a time. If we worry about the past or the future we make ourselves sick. All you have is today. Just dont drink today. Then when tomorrow comes make the commitment again not to drink just for today.


Welcome to your new life. You will do good. Keep connected

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Begin right here! I have found a lot comfort in this site and try to come by her at least once a week! Fee free to message me for longer form conversation if you would like


Welcome J! I think you already made a start. Remember, nothing changes if nothing changes. Be gentle with yourself and take it one step at a time. Look forward to seeing you around on here :pray:t2:

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