First post, thought I would say hello

Hi all, my name is Steve I’m from the UK. I’ve been a heavy drinker for all of my adult life. In January I decided to quit because it was making me depressed. I’ve dropped off the wagon everytime I get past the 30 day mark, now I’m currently at 23 days. But everytime I drink the depression comes back, so hopefully I’ve learned my lesson now as I have seen some great benefits in the 30 days that I’ve got to. I also have a hiatus hernia, which can give me chronic heartburn, I’ve noticed when I don’t drink, I don’t get heartburn. Does anyone have any similar experiences to this? Regards.


Welcome, this place is a great tool! Reach if you need help.


Welcome to the forum, plenty of support and suggestions here to help you in your recovery take it easy and it does get better with time. Depression is a tough cookie to crumble for me i have to learn how to deal with it more certain days than others ive learned a simple pill wont solve my problem, just have to work on improving my well being one moment at a time. We can make it through this



Dunno about all the medical stuff, but was having minor heartburn just before getting sober. That almost immediately stopped once I quit drinking. My diet also naturally improved after quitting (ate so much garbage when drinking…). So I’m not sure if it was the lack of booze or just better stuff in my belly in general.

But yup! Did find lots of little stuff like that got better.


Hi Steve, welcome to the forum!

Since stopping drinking a few years ago I have experienced a lot of depression and anxiety that I didn’t really realise I had. It’s been shit in lots of ways, but through my sobriety I have learned so much about how to live a healthier, happier life. Feeling the feels is really hard but it’s been an important part of finding some peace with myself and making changes that feel a bit more sustainable in the long term.

Leaning into the recovery community on this app, meditation, yoga, walking, therapy and medication have all been a big part of my journey. It’s definitely not been a quick fix and I know I’m still a work in progress, but I’m so glad that I’m on this path.

You might find this collection of threads a useful starting point. Stick around, read lots and reach out whenever you need to! :pray::sparkling_heart:

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I came to understand i have an allergy to alcohol, when i drink i break out in handcuffs and hospital rooms, better for me to just avoid it and not have the reactions i deal with after the fact


Thanks guys! Appreciate it :+1:


I was going to say that when I stopped drinking, I stopped getting arrested. Hasn’t happened once since then! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yeah its funny how we create these problems and make matters worse at least i always did. Close friend of mine said how he was pole vaulting over mouse turds in his drinking days, thats me to the T


Welcome Steve. Glad to have you here. :slight_smile:

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Hi Steve :wave: welcome aboard! I didn’t have heartburn but I had debilitating vertigo :frowning: I do still have it but it’s WAY under control now :slight_smile: life is better on this side!

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Welcome Steve from 1 uk… Er to another. Xx

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