First recovery day for a social drinker

Hello everyone :slightly_smiling_face:

Here I am, on my first day of recovery :sparkles:

I consider myself a social drinker, not drinking everyday, but I can’t go out (to a bar, disco, festival) without drinking.

I believe I use alcohol to hide my weaknesses and low self esteem and feel more happy, fun and interesting person to the others.

I know i am ready to take this step but I am already thinking about the plans and events I have during next weeks / months and feeling I will fail.

Do you think is possible to mantain the same habits, go to the same places with the same people and still be successful or should we cut with our past and restart?

Looking forward to know more about your stories :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance :heart:


You will hear this alot but it is soooo true. Take it one day at a time. Dont worry about the past or fret about the future. Just focus on today


It is possible to go out and do festivals, dinners and such and hang out with old friends and not drink. But, for me at least, it took a long time (many many months) before I was really comfortable and confident in doing so. My husband still drinks, so I am around it.

As said, focusing on today helps a lot. Worrying about a far off future, is just taking up unnecessary head space…to me at least.

Welcome!! Glad you are here.


Thank you very much :sparkles:
One step at a time

Thank you very much :sparkles:

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This hits home with me almost to a “T” most of the people have disappeared on their own as I have slowly stopped drinking. I am learning to reconnect with some people I never thought I would be around simply because they didn’t have the anxiety or past as myself. I find myself crying more now but feeling more as a cleansing.

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