First Steps - new to this

Hi @Caligurl0125 I wish you all the success in recovery and building a new life for you and your son.

I want to mention that perhaps offering your number openly may bring on unwanted attention.

Keep up the great work and glad that you could find this community and sobriety!

Welcome! I’m 20 days in. I’m still learning my way around this community and finding it very supportive. :blush:
You’ve got this!! :grin::fist_right::boom:


Congratulations, theres always a first step. Ive struggled for 20 years. Starting over since last Saturday. I also live far from meetings but if you download the meetings app, you can go to any meeting anytime anywhere via zoom. It really helps in a pinch or if you’re unable to find a meeting.
You can do this.

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Thank you so much! My son was born with a genetic syndrome called Johansson Blizzard syndrome and it’s very rare (1 in 25000 babies are born with it). My son is what started my sobriety but then I relapsed and back on the right track again now! I have court for cps in the morning keep me in prayer and send all positive vibes out for me please


You can do it - you are strong and brave!

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Welcome welcome!! While the past may have shaped who we are, it does not define us nor who we become. I know what I want to be - present, clear and sober! I hope that resonates with you - because I definitely felt the shame and regret when I also finally faced up to my problematic relationship with alcohol and the negative impact on my life. We’re here for you!

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Thank you for your support. Feels good to know that I have people that i don’t even know or who know me that believe in me when some of my own family don’t. I appreciate it


Praying for you and your family! Congrats on getting back on track.


Thank you so much!