First Steps - new to this

Hi folks,

Today is my first day of attempting sobriety, after realising I really do have a problem with alcohol, and actively destroying my relationships with others by binge drinking and subsequently losing all control of myself. I am trying to handle the guilt and shame, and turn it into something I can use to keep going, but I am a bit scared.

If anyone is willing to share some motivation or tips on how to use this app, or are willing to be a support buddy throughout this journey, it would be greatly appreciated!

Love to you all,


Welcome! I only have 8 days sober myself. Still trying to figure out this app. Congratulations on taking the first step! Having others to talk to is important. Go to AA meetings if you want, they can be helpful. Just don’t take that first drink, you know what that leads to!


Thank you, @Crazycakes, and congrats on starting your own journey! 8 days seems so far away!
I’m not sure if there is an AA in my area; as I’m located up in the UK here- I definitely want to reach out and find support though; I don’t think I can do it alone.

I’m willing to be a support buddy.


Welcome and i am here to support and cheer anyone that’s willing to go to any length. I think you will find alot of support just keep coming back n don’t leave b4 the miracle happens.


Thanks, @Don45_1day-at-time! I appreciate it!
I do truly hope this works for me; I can promise you I’ll do my best to stick it out!

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Nice to see you here @AllyTheMermaid welcome to the community.

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Welcome to the community @littleblacklight it’s great to have you here.

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Thank you @anon68572606

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Welcome to you both @AllyTheMermaid Allyson and @littleblacklight Stephanie! Very glad to have you aboard. To me this place and the folks here have meant the difference between failures in the past and success now. Here’s hoping it can be for you too! So much support to be found and given. So much stories to read, inspiration to be found, knowledge to be learned. And, most important of all, togetherness. We’re in this together and that notion, the knowledge that we’re not alone, means everything to me. All success to you!

Here’s some links to subjects that may be helpful. Success again :people_hugging: :heart: :people_hugging:

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Welcome im starting Day 4 & in the Uk too - Scotland :scotland: im yet still trying to figre out the app too … just keep busy & the days will rack up - i struggled last night on day 3 however i just kept myself going through this app its such a supportive community and are are most defo not alone. :heart_eyes::two_hearts:


Welcome to the community (and welcomes to @AllyTheMermaid , @Cindy1010 , and welcome back @Crazycakes ). The links @Mno shared should definitely be useful for you. If it is helpful for you, there is a daily check in thread.

There are a lot of resources to be found here, along with the stories of others. It may also be useful for you to become more active in this community, or any other sobriety-focused community, in more mundane ways such as posting in threads that interest you. There are threads on subjects such as food, pets, plants, etc., which will help you feel more connected to people who are working the sobriety life for themselves.

Best of luck!

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Hi Stephanie,

Welcome to the site, just stick around and decide what threads you like and keep posting as you clock up the days.

Popular threads are the Checking in Daily and Gratitude threads to contribute daily to and get stuff off your mind.

Good luck, keep going.

I’m in UK as well :heart:

Welcome to this site :blush:

Well done Cindy, great effort. Keep going.

Welcome! Coming here is a great first step. Be active here, it will help. The people that come here every day and participate find a smoother journey.

Semantics matter! I get what you mean…

However, mindset matters. If you want to be sober…be sober…dont attempt it.

Welcome. I have 32 days clean. First step I took was actually finding a NA meeting in my town and attending to it. I’ve been to two programs but I didn’t complete them for I don’t feel as if I NEED a program to get sober and stay sober. In all reality all I need was the support of my family and true friends that aren’t using as well (which I have found a few at the meetings). I am in the process of fighting a cps case in lake county California for my 3 months old son back. I am doing everything that I must do in order to get him back in my life. I had my first visit yesterday and I have another visit with him in the morning. And if you need a support buddy feel free to reach out to me. I’ll even give you my number if you would like it. Hang in there take baby steps one day at a time


Hi, new here. 3 days as of a couple hours ago. Struggle is so real! Here if u need me to be!


Hi littleblacklight. I am on day 2 and also dealing with some (a lot of) guilt and shame. Went to an AA meeting yesterday, found a Womens only one which was a better fit for me. There are lots of online meeting options too. As I have had various attempts at sobriety I have tried a few and keep going til you find what works (clearly I haven’t yet with all these relapses but I am determined this time). There’s also Smart Recovery which I like. If you’re unsure you can always join an online meeting and put your name as ‘just listening’ until you feel ready to join in. This is your recovery journey. Stay strong :muscle:t2: we’ve got this

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Wishing you every success in getting your son back. From a mother to a mother my :heart: goes out to you.

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