First time here, trying to beat porn and masturbation

Hi all. It’s my first time attempting to use a soberity app but I thought I’d like to take an important step to change. I’d like to share my story.

I first came into contact with pornography when I was 10 years old, when an older relative of mine showed it to me. I could not comprehend what was happening in the scenes at such a young age. However, it definitely piqued my interest in searching up more. When puberty came, I was basically watching porn and masturbating all day. The dopamine rush that comes from it provided a safe space for me, away from the harsh and stressful reality. I began to use porn and masturbation as an entertainment as well as a coping mechanism. Since I was 14, not a day went by without me at least masturbating once a day.

Things spiked up as I entered adulthood. I started dating a girl and we had regular sexual encounters. As time went by, I began to feel like it wasn’t enough, and started using porn more heavily than ever. I realised that being with an actual girl was not enough to satisfy my needs. I felt like I was living a double life, hiding my porn addiction in the deepest recesses of my life. Eventually, we broke up for separate reasons, but it left an emotional mark on me. It was also a very volatile time as I started a whole new life away from my home country. Needing comfort and security from the uncertain world and my depression, I once again retreated to my own shell of consuming a lot of porn. From then on, I became so reliant that I could not relax without porn. My anxiety got so bad when I tried stopping and I had to resort to seeking therapy.

I am currently in another serious , long distance relationship. Due to this, sexual encounters were rare, if present at all I constantly feel the need to keep my sexual desires satisfied. It got so extreme that I caught myself trying to send nudes to strangers on the internet. Porn alone was simply not enough anymore, my brain exclaimed. I needed something more extreme to fuel this desire. I felt…like another person being in control of my mind.

So this is the turning point for me. It is a concrete evidence that my excessive porn use and masturbation habit as a reliance and as a coping mechanism was ruining my relationship, my life, and my mental health. I have made several attempts to put an end to this, but no big improvements so far. I believe one of the reasons for these failures was that my addiction was something that I couldn’t openly discuss to my loved ones. I felt so ashamed as I truly see myself as a diligent, extroverted and loving person when I’m not in the control of these extreme sexual desires. Other than my personal problems, I believe the porn business is a highly unethical industry and I hope to one day completely cease to consume it’s content altogether.

I stumbled across this app and decided to give it a shot, hoping that it can provide me a safe space to talk about my issues. Thanks for taking the time to read this lengthy essay, if you’ve made it this far :slight_smile:



I have struggled with sex addiction for most of my life, and by God’s grace I’ve been free from pornography and promiscuity since February 13, 2013. As the saying goes, recovery is for those who want it not need it, so if you’re willing to do whatever it takes, you can free yourself from the bondage of your current patterns.

Here’s a link to resources I put together. Looking forward to conversing with you more.


Thank you so much for the resources! I will be sure to check them out. Would love to converse with you more in the future :slight_smile:


Welcome @Poelarity! There is a group of us here in recovery from the same thing. Neal gave some excellent links above. Finding a program and working it will be important to recover.

For me the turnaround began when I sought therapy at a sex addiction recovery clinic in my city. With a group of men, I began studying the book Facing the Shadow. We also did weekly meetings and recovery work (accountability, inventory-taking, sharing our stories with one another). Gradually I have grown past my former dependence on porn and I am discovering that healthy sex and sexuality is entirely different from the distorted views I had when I was deep in my addictive behaviour.

Welcome! Looking forward to seeing more of you here :innocent:


Welcome @Poelarity you’ve taken some very important first steps, admitting you have a problem then looking for help by reaching out to others.
I’m nearly 5 years in recovery/sober from porn and masturbation addiction myself. While overcoming this addiction is not easy it is possible and the rewards are so incredibly worth the struggle. Keep coming back here and do a search on this topic as there are several threads with allot of really good information.


Welcome to the forum @Poelarity and thank you for sharing your story. There’s a lot of great information and amazing people to help you fight this addiction. Please keep coming back and sharing. Pain pills are my DOC but it doesn’t matter since we’re all fighting for the same goal of sobriety. We’re all here cheering you on. :heart:


Welcome. 125 days no pmo here.


Thank you so much Matt! :slight_smile:

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Aww thank you so much Lisa. I hope it gets better for all of us :two_hearts: stay safe!

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That’s amazing! I could never imagine myself reaching that number right now.

Neither could I when I started it took a few attempts lots of relapses the aa and na programme has helped and not acting out no matter what and there’s temptation every single day.

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