First time reaching out

Why does this have to be so hard? I have never wanted to be free of cocaine as much as I do now yet I keep relapsing.

One day 2 of my new journey. I wont stop trying.


Welcome to the community Sam!
Great work on day 2. It is hard at the beginning as we are adjusting to new routines and our bodies are detoxing. Stick with it. It will get easier.

For me,this supportive community has been super helpful in keeping me on track. I also found that a lot of sleeping and drinking water helped.

Love the positive attitude :people_hugging:


Welcome Sam! It’s great that you found this place. It my only sober support and I come here every day. Be gentle with yourself and remember that NOTHING CHANGES IF NOTHING CHANGES! I wish you all the best and look forward to seeing you around :pray:t2::two_hearts:


Welcome to the community. I hope this forum can be useful to you in your efforts.


Welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

Nice to have you join us.


A big step many of my friends who kicked coke was, who they choose to be around. The big step my best friend took was erasing numbers and determining who he could hang with. Because once somebody has a bag, it’s really easy to say fuck it.

Not the easiest thing to do but might be a necessary consideration in your journey


Thats a nasty habit any powder is i was on crystal for 7 years also its the people we hang around you can do this be strong.:+1::ok_hand::muscle::checkered_flag:

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