First time resisting an urge in months 😋

Hi! So i know it’s not conventionally what this app is used for, but I just resisted an urge to binge & purge & I’m really really proud of myself. It’s been a stress relief mechanism on and off since I was 13. I turn 25 in May. I lost 80 lbs a year and a half ago healthily, then relapsed with bulimia and ironically regained 40 lbs. Im down 15 lbs again.
Catch is I also decided I’m done with alcohol for life when I decided I’m done with bulimia for life. Alcohol fucks with my willpower and emotions and is not worth the risk. Also just a huge waste of money to me because I waitress for my 2nd job and that’s how we socialize. I’d rather smoke weed and drink my lemon water.
Idk i just wanted to share my excitement :woman_shrugging:t3: may not be relatable sowwie


never be sorry for wanting to become a better version of you.


I love this statement!!


Cool Story so to speak…sounds like your a Strong woman so just keep going strong aye im Revovery our weight is all over the shop unfortunately BUT it seems your ontop of things CONGRATS and ive recently given in to Alcahol twice since Xmas it was like YES i reason/excuse to drink, then spent a week drinking both times and hated it, it took awhile to love me self again and believe in my affirmations etc SO DON’T GIVE IN ITS NEVER WORTH BUSTING.


You are so strong. Tap into that inner strength that is evident in your vibe. I believe in you.