First time sharing December 11

127 days sober from alcohol today. Never been to a meeting or shared in a post. Finding its hard to talk with people about certain feelings these days.


127 days sober is awesome Alex, big congrats! And glad to see you sharing. It’s not easy, especially to begin with, but it helps so many so much to do. This place and what it offers has helped me so much. Sharing, reading, supporting, getting support. The knowledge that I’m not alone in all this. For me alone is impossible. I tried. Being together, even online, makes all the difference for me. I hope it can for you too. Welcome to the forum and hope to see more of you friend!


First off, congrats on 127! That’s awesome. Secondly, good on you for breaking the ice with this post. There certainly can be discomfort and fear in showing our feelings, allowing others to see where we may be vulnerable. Self-protection is a powerful force, especially when we’ve been hurt by people we depend on or are supposed to be able to trust. And leave it to addicts to be severely judgemental of self… So today, a first brick comes out from the wall. Keep taking one down at a time, it feels good to let light in.


Welcome and congrats on 127 days, that’s amazing! I echo what Mno said, we are all in this together and it’s such a supportive community here :blush:

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Thank you so much

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perfect reason to be here then bc you don’t have to see us and your never gonna meet us so no reason for embarrassing moments or worried people won’t listen or don’t care. Let it all out, your here for you not us, it doesn’t matter what we think. Sharing is caring.