First week, again

I have restarted so many times. But not giving up. Another new year resolution. One week today. Not giving up this time. Making positive changes in my new life. Tomorrow i start my diet too.


Congrats on your 1 week Nathan! Love the positive attitude and the determination to keep pushing forward! Together we can beat this beast – keep active here and utilize your tools, gather support - One day at a time and you can keep stacking up the days

Hope to see you around :muscle:


You can do it! Lots of help and support for you here.


Congratulations for the new start and one week! :confetti_ball:
Little sidenote: do not put to many new year resolutios/changes on your list. Just one ore two you can give all your focus and energy to :blush:


Same! Im back, again, too. Lets do this.


One thing at a time. Focus on sobriety before throwing diets and other changes. In the end it will all come full circle. I am over weight and probably gained like 4 pounds when i first got sober. Cause i was treating myself understanding the big picture and nothing will change if booze is in my life.

I am now 4.5 months sober and down 30 pounds.


Nice to hear! You will make it. Its better to wait at least one minth if you plan to introduce also new diet, especially if you will cut down sugar


Every step forward is a step in the right direction


Congrats on week 1. I started my journey on Dec. 31st. 1st sober NYE in years. Gods grace will help me through this.

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Like others have mentioned, work on one thing at a time…In my case I started munchin sweets or salty when I stopped drinkin

You dont want to set yourself up for failer…Just something to consider.

Be well

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Im on day 3. Not having any withdrawals but don’t have the motivation to do anything :confused:.


Welcome to the community and day 3 of your sober journey! Great to hear that you don’t have any cravings! I spent a lot of time in bed at the beginning of my sober journey as i needed to let my body heal and recover. All the damage we have done over the years takes a toll and takes time to recover from.
Sending you strength to keep pushing forward :muscle:

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