First Week in

Yes, you’re right. I’ve never told my psychiatrist. I told my GP. But somehow never even thought of mentioning it to my psychiatrist. I guess b/c I was originally going to her for my ADD meds. Then after I started having trouble sleeping she prescribed trazadone. She thought the ADD meds were causing my sleeplessness and so did I. B/c of course the bottle of wine I was drinking a night (and then some) couldn’t possibly have any effect on anything! :roll_eyes: I have an appt coming up and I’ll address it with her. Thanks!

You’re so right! I’m starting to feel much more aware of what I’m doing & why. Even throughout the day when I zone off. Or distract myself instead of doing what I should be doing. I catch myself. I don’t always succeed in redirecting myself yet. Lmao but at least I’m making note of it. Before I think I just stumbled around in a hungover stupor honestly. And then was dumbfounded that it’s already 5:00 and I’ve gotten nothing done. Thanks for those podcasts, I’ll definitely check them out!

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