First Week in

My first week sober after I don’t know how many years of nightly wine drinking. I wake up feeling even more hungover now then when I was hungover. Lol not headaches at least…don’t miss those. But tons of brain fog & sluggishness. Can’t seem to shake it. I always take 50mg of prescribed trazadone at night to help me sleep. I’m guessing that may need to be adjusted since I’m prob sleeping better without the alcohol? But afraid to mess with it yet, since it’s an anti-depressant and is prob helping with anxiety. I’m going to try to take it earlier at night & see if that helps. Other than that, I’m feeling pretty good. Just wish I could shake this feeling of my head being full of sand. Hope everyone is having a great day.


I’m right there with you,I know when I sleep I sleep better but I am more groggy in morning,lots of coffee helps with that,I’m 7 days in today also so it’s new feelings for me too,good luck on your journey :smiley:

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This is normal. When I first stopped I was exhausted for weeks. It’ll take a while for your body to adjust. Your doctor (better yet, a pharmacist) knows best about the effect of the anti-depressant but I highly suspect that since you drank while on it that your brain is now adjusting to it.

Congratulations on your week, good job!

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Maybe try a meeting they help wish you well

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Congrats Dixie! Good to know it’s not just me. About to make my 3rd cup of coffee now! Lol

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Thanks Joanie! You’re right. I know the alcohol wasn’t helping anything so I don’t want to make any other sudden changes. I can deal with the sluggishness and look forward to more energy the longer I’m sober. Sure beats the alternative.

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Hi Ray! It’s really hard for me to get to meetings. Single mom and work outside the home. But I’m trying to figure out one I can go to. Maybe every other weekend when my kids aren’t with me. I guess occasional is better than nothing.


@Beach_Lily congratulations on week one!!

I’m only on 35 days but I feel significantly better than my first week. Even two weeks was rough. Could have been even longer. Takes a minute for the body to catch up after years of abuse.

I felt far more exhausted those first two weeks than I did when I was drinking. I wasn’t expecting that to happen at all. I thought there was going to be some magical thing that happened where I just woke up feeling like a million bucks. But the million bucks feeling comes with time and some work. I feel great now!

Congrats again! YOU GOT THIS


Hi @Beach_Lily where are you based? In the UK here we have online meetings which could work for you, Google smart recovery. I think the USA have something similar to.

Edit, congratulations btw on your first week, I had that brain fog for a couple of weeks after stopping but it seemed to ease a little each day. Defo worth a chat to the doctor about your meds though :smirk:

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@Beach_Lily @Frantasticooo A big one in the US that I have heard of is

Sobercast is also a great podcast for apple and Google where you can listen to AA speaker meetings. Obviously not live or interactive but I’ve really been digging on those lately.

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Omg yes! It’s like I expect to wake up feeling fabulous & immediately lose 10 pounds! Also my house should be spotless. Lol How arrogant of me! Lol yes I will celebrate the small victories and look forward to increasing benefits of being sober.

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I will definitely check those out. Thanks!

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There are tonnes of speaker videos on YouTube too, I love them and podcasts, will look out for sober cast, cheers👍


Thanks! I’m in the US. But I will search around for something similar. Thanks. Good to know this is just part of the process for everyone.

@Beach_Lily not to be discouraging but I gained weight at first. I’m on a not give a eff diet right now though cause I’m giving all my effs to sobriety. But just like being tired I’ve heard that appetite will change and weight will be more manageable too.

Don’t even get me started on my house!! :rofl::rofl: It’s so out of control. It’s a big deal for me to keep it perfect. Definitely one of my favorite things to do when I drank was clean, like deep weirdo OCD clean. Plus I was so tired the first couple weeks. I’ve had to just let it go. It was a big trigger for me. Still can be some days. It’s all getting back on track though. :grin:

Small victories is where it’s at for sure! I started a gratitude journal on my phone and I love it. I’m not doing it every day but certainly a lot. Feels good to put it all down somewhere.

So happy to hear you’re looking forward to the future in sobriety! You sound like you’re starting out in a really good positive vibes place. Super awesome!!


Just letting you know I listened to 2 sobercast episodes yesterday. Love them! Thanks so much. Signed up for InTheRooms too but haven’t quite figured out how to use it yet.

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I gained 3 pounds my first week. Lol but as you say, I don’t give an F. Sobriety is #1 priority right now. The weight can & will be dealt with later. Quitting the booze can only help. I’m sure my body is just trying to figure out what the heck is going on right now. Lol and it’s weird but although I gained 3 pounds, I feel less bloated. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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P.S. yep! I was an amazing wine cleaner. I Marie kondo’ed my house one weekend with the help of several bottles of wine. Didn’t know where the hell anything was after that, but hey it looked good. Lol but you know when I did stuff like that, I was really just avoiding what I really needed to be doing (catching up on work, pay bills, etc) and dulling my guilt/anxiety with the wine. I realize that now.

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Glad to hear you liked the podcast! There are so many out there to listen to. I have a pretty quiet desk job so I binge on them all day long. If you like the podcast thing I suggest The Bubble Hour, Seltzer Squad, Recovery Elevator, and Recovery Happy Hour. Those are my faves.

I realized the same thing about my cleaning too. I was putting off other things that needed to be done, or missing out on time with my family. But I figured if my house was clean then at least it looked like I was doing everything right, even though everything felt like a mess inside of my head. Now my head feels messy and my house is messy too :rofl::rofl: But my head is clearing up, I’m spending QUALITY time with my kids and husband, I’m allowing myself time to relax like actually relax, and I’m feeling productive and healthy and happy every day.

Doesn’t it feel so good to realize new things about yourself and your habits?? That’s my favorite part about all of this. I’m actually learning my habits, likes and dislikes. I’m finally discovering who I really am, all of it, the good, bad, and other.

@Beach_Lily I may go back to your doctor to have him reevaluate what mmg’s you should take, or possibly even a different medication. When I was drinking heavily I didn’t tell my doctor. Now that I stopped I have to be on a completely different medication for anxiety. Anyway! Good luck!