Flight With Denzel Washington

Wow! I saw the movie Flight eight years ago and thought ok… Good movie. Well I just watched it again today and I CANNOT believe how much I get from the movie now that I’m watching it with recovery eyes! It addresses alcoholism, drug addiction, and everything that comes with it. Plus I just absolutely love Denzel Washington :heart:
Sidenote: I wouldn’t recommend watching this if you’re still vulnerable to triggers.


I totally agree. He is a consummate actor. Love everything he does.


Really liked the end of that movie, too.

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I do too! To finally take responsibility really speaks to me :slightly_smiling_face:

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It took me a long time to grow up. Sobriety made that happen.


The only time I watched it I had no idea of the true nature of the film. I recall it was very stirring. I will definitely watch again now with my sober self. Thanks so much for the suggestion!!!

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Going to have a go at it. Thanks for the tip!

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I had the same experience with Flight. Watched while I was drinking and enjoyed it. Then I watched it again after I got sober and…whoa! Totally different perspective. I won’t give any spoilers but if anyone hasn’t seen it, it is worth a watch. In my opinion anyway

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Just watched. Really liked it

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@SassyRocks and @Andrewjb3810 ya it was kind of like watching it brand new. It was good back then but now when he said certain things I was like…Ha! I’ve said that! Or that’s the relapse I can moderate part of recovery… Just a great movie :blush:
@undercoverkuscheltie and @Mno get your buttered popcorn and enjoy!
@anon89207786 I hope you closed your eyes at the naked lady part young man :wink:


I watched it twice in recovery. Absolutely loved it, especially the words spoken at the end. :airplane: I could totally relate to it and at times I nearly shouted at the screen “NOOOOOOO!”, thinking that’s the sort of thing I’d do. :open_mouth:

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OMG @Piglet yes! I screamed nooooo at the screen when he left the little bottle of vodka in the hotel room and then he grabs it!! :hushed::hushed:

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I’ve never seen it but I’ll have to check it out!

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Yes you should :grin:

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It is powerful :heart:

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I saw the title and thought you’d actually were on a flight with Denzel.

I once sat next to Jesse James, the motorcycle builder who was married to Sandra Bullock at the time. He just kinda scowled the whole flight, so I left him to his thoughts. Was a few months before his cheating scandal broke, so I’m guessing he was in a low place.


No but I was on a flight one time with Danny Glover :grin: He was nice.


I was one a flight with my mum once


Thanks for the recommendation, I had never heard of this movie and really enjoyed all of the ickyness relating to addiction, actually had a bit of a flashback she he was drinking in the car :flushed::pensive:


I thought the exact same which is why came in to the thread :joy:

Have seen the film, thought it was really good, must give it another watch!

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