Flipping the script on Weed

I can say this; I AM SOBER!
I got rid of my stuff this morning after deciding last night to quit my “medical marijuana” for good. I’ve been a daily toker for about 19 years. I started smoking weed about 30 years ago to the month. Alcohol went first. 16 days off my regular 6 drinks a day. It’s really great. My chronic diarrhea is totally gone. However, I accidentally broke rule #5 though and my post was taken down and I made a lot of people mad here on this forum because I was not trying to quit weed. Instead, I stated that it was helpful in weening me off the drink. The responses really angered me and I went on smoking for 2 more days smoldering about it all. I really had no intention or interest in quitting the one thing that stopped my major depressive disorder whenever I smoked. However, I couldn’t deny the truth of what y’all were telling me. It caused a shift in perspective - Maybe, perhaps I don’t need this. I started researching and formulating a plan and here I sit writing this instead of toking up while I do my morning reading. I spent $300 per month on my prescription vaping cartridges. I’m going to put that money into my golf fund! Thanks for the advice whatever your names were. And sorry about breaking the forum rule. I’ve got a lot of sleepless nights and crazy intense dreams coming my way.
Alcohol 16
Weed 1


That’s the right attitude, good luck to you. I’ve been flagged before and it made me mad too but that was just my ego being hurt. Best wishes on your journey, and on the golfing :wink:.


I appreciate you. Thanks for the insight and encouragement. Peace


That’s a lot of $ you will save and hopefully a new perspective on sober life. It takes a lot to hear what people are suggesting and
I know none of us like getting flagged.

Congrats on your 16 days and 1 day!! Love the attitude!


It feels like divine intervention :grinning:


Excellent work Jeremy! You’re a big man for listening and changing your perspective and outlook on things. Wishing you all success in your 100% sober journey. I feel you know what to expect, but let me give you this overview of how weed withdrawal usually plays out anyway. Take care!


Welcome back and congrats on making the decision to be 100% sober. :blush:


Amazing, sometimes a change in perspective is exactly what we need. Welcome back.


You are making a great decision!


I know for me, sometimes the truth was hard to face. I kept smoking after I quit drinking too for medicinal purposes. Eventually, I had to face the reality that I honestly had NO idea if it really helped with my chronic illness or not since I’d been smoking since 5th grade. I had to stop smoking to find out. And it turns out, it was ABSOLUTELY hindering my life-not helping it anymore. It’s actually pure freedom without it. Wish you luck on your new journey, you arent in it alone.


Thanks for that.


That’s awesome. I too gave up weed ( daily puffer for gasp 54 years in the end days a Volcano maniac). I too was diagnosed with MDD (and ptsd). After 406 days free of weed/opiate addiction I feel better than I have ever felt. Grateful you are now part of my recovery! Keep er’ goin! All the best.


Amazing. Great work. The volcano…yes. I remember well. Harder to keep secret from my kids. Vaping has zero Oder so it allowed me to smoke around my family as long as I was “sneaky” and it feels so great to lose the sneakiness. Why do I have to sneak around my kids and wife. Sad.