Focus, motivation, brain fog

I’m about a month sober from alcohol, and I’m really struggling with my work. It’s super hard to get started, and when I manage to start a task, I’m struggling to concentrate on it for more than about 10-15 minutes at a time. Short breaks don’t help. I feel like I’m constantly getting distracted by a thousand things, and my productivity is so ridiculously low that it’s becoming a huge problem.

Anyone else with similar struggles? Did it get better? If so, when did you notice an improvement?


Yeah it’s really all part of the brain rewiring and you body healing up. Detoxing only takes a few days, but the healing takes longer. I was Mentally foggy, anxiety was spiking and literally exhausted. Like all day exhausted, where I had to push myself to do just about anything extra. I really felt like shit honestly. But around the 60 day mark, I started to feel better and then it just got progressively better. I still have my days, but not nearly as bad now. People on here just told me, get through it, it gets better and it eventually does and is worth it. But it’s not easy in the beginning


Last year I did dry January to “prove to myself” I didn’t have a problem and could stop. I remember having so much energy and with everything I read about each day and week without alcohol I also felt. The feeling better, more energy and great skin. This time, it’s been good but slower. I still feel sluggish and sleepy at times. I can’t remember if I’ve taken my vitamins in the morning. It’s not the same as last time for sure. I’m day 29 today. I wouldn’t say I feel down or that I can’t completely focus but I will say I don’t have as much energy as I’d like. Each day has gotten better though. Hang in there, I’m sure we will be bouncing around with energy before we know it.


I can relate to that feeling, day 30 tomorrow(been here many times), I struggle to concentrate on even remember yesterday it feels foggy/dreamy but I know it eventually passes(can’t remember how long it takes me but I think maybe month 1-2).

I’m not sure what you do for work but I try get into something I normally would enjoy at work which helps a bit

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Hi, same here. I’m 2 months AF, but had my fair share of sober months the last couple of years.
Is everything in your life the same? I notice I am finding it hard to focus and to be active this time, but I reckon it’s maybe in combination with other aspects in life. Alcohol was my get away trip every day, but these days I have to get through stuff sober.
So maybe it also has something to do with having to process stuff unfiltered, it takes up space in our processor up there, what makes it difficult to focus? I don’t know, just guessing here :woman_shrugging:t3:
I am just riding it out, knowing I’m still more productive than when I drank… I hope you’ll find your drive back soon!