Food addiction-help!

So sick of being over weight. I feel so unhappy with myself. I have pushed everyone away. Somewhere I gave up on me, and feel like I’m to far gone. No one would want me like this, I don’t want me. I have zilch willpower.

@Mgerfen just feeling like you. I know what it means. I ‘ve been like this for ages. Such a pain, and you feel so helpless. If you want to quit alcohol just do not drink anymore. You can NOT eat anymore. You gonna die. Its more difficult. And i hate myself and my body and my fragility. Wish i could abandon my body just like you do with an old coat. Take it off. But we cant…i am with you darking. We will make it together

Sorry i meant DARLING* not darking

I feel you, with medication and getting off meth I’ve put on weight too,I look healthier but I don’t like the extra weight.i exercise more though. I heard weight watches is great! If you have that where you are,I know three people on it lost huge amounts of weight form doing the group sessions of it. Accountability I guess works. Goodluck.

I have the same problem. Continuous overeater and occasional binger. I’m hoping some of the techniques I’m learning to not drink will be transferable… But if anything I’ve been replacing alcohol with food to get that dopamine hit.

Do you go to OA meetings? You have an addiction. The food is the symptom not the problem. There are two sides to your brain. The side that is completely normal and happy and the addiction that makes you feel like you dont deserve any type of happiness. I am 50 days abstinent today. I have not binged or eaten off my food plan in 50 days. I have not had fast food in 50 days. I have not felt guilt or shame in 50 days. I have been looking people in the eyes for 50 days. I have not been able to say these things in over 20 years. I, too, topped out at over 360 pounds. I, too, thought I was too far gone, and then I realized what was happening to me. Addicition. I always thought I could control it. Really? Eating 15,000 calories in under an hour and I still thought that I was in control. I wasnt. Neither are you. You are not too far gone. I burnt my families house to the ground last year after a massive binge and subsequent sugar coma. Passed out on the couch for 36 minutes while my house burnt. Theres a reason I didnt succumb to the smoke inhalation. Just like theres a reason you are here asking for help. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Id love to talk anytime.



Everyone I quit drugs I get hooked on food and honestly I’d love the world hefty and sober so much more I love being big and it’s so much better then being a twig I look at my meth pictures and it’s nasty… I look at my fat as a gift my children left me and it’s the happiest feeling ever. Tweak hoes look gross and I automatically look at them like they need to shut they legs and ima hurt them if they look at my man cause that how most are but the sweetest ppl I met ever r the bigger ones.