For My Husband

When I first quit drinking back in 2018, using this app as a motivator, I had no initial goal. But as time went on I felt so good I decided to go a year. I made it 14 months before I thought “I was ready” (I know I know) to drink again. I started off only moderately drinking last September, then slowly increasing until now…when I drink almost nightly. I don’t drink a TONNE every night, but I’m finding it difficult to relax and wind down from my day without booze. I have noticed pretty major health impacts including serious weight gain and GERD symptoms. I’m a 5’9 woman and for the first time in my life I just broke 300 lbs. I exercise regularly and although I have a sedentary job I keep active with 4 volunteer jobs and one side gig, plus a garden, 2 dogs plus a foster dog. I eat healthy, 3 squares a day - I love my vegetables and fresh wholesome food. There’s no reason for me to be obese other than booze.
However, I had no real solid plan to quit again.
Then last night my husband, who has been drinking as much as me of late, said he has come to the realization that he’s depressed, and that alcohol is a major part of that (add to that being laid off due to COVID, a recent motorcycle accident that took his stress reliever - his bike - off the road for part of the summer, and back/knee pain). He’s decided he wants to quit drinking. Last night he went for a walk, alone, just to get some exercise. I’ve never in our 14 years of marriage seen him walk anywhere without a specific goal - to get somewhere. He also did yoga and wants to work seriously in his chronic pain issue.
So, I’m here again…this time for him (In part). I know my husband. He gets a lot of his motivation from me, and seeing me make positive changes in my life. I know I can and should do this for me, but this time I want to do it for my husband’s health and well being. I want to see him succeed. He’s always been my biggest supporter. I’m crying as I write this. Lol.

So here we go again. Once again, I’m setting no goals, I only know that my body will thank me. I’m coming into this wiser, having seen what happens when I pick up the bottle/can again. I am addicted to alcohol, and I will never be able to drink in moderation. So let’s do this. Thanks in advance for all the support I know I’m gonna get here, like I did before.


Good for you Mandy! It sounds like you know this will be good for you. Your husband seems like he’s pretty motivated. That’s good. It helps to have a supportive environment.

Welcome back to TS. What helped me especially in early sobriety was reading and learning, and I joined a group to help me (we meet online now). There are lots of good books & connections here:
Resources for our recovery

Looking forward to sharing your journey with you :innocent:


Welcome back. If I might make one small suggestion on goals, perhaps you might consider the ones I’ve set for myself:

-be sober every day for the rest of my natural life, no matter how long this is. If I am diagnosed with terminal cancer tomorrow, I will live each day sober.

-to get better at getting better, each and every day. Better today than I was yesterday, and tomorrow better still. This is the Japanese philosophy of “Kaizen”, or “good change”. Each day the goal is to be a little better physically, mentally, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. Improvement doesn’t have to be big, just incrementally and continuously…it adds up just like sober days do.



Hi Mandy, welcome back! Well done on deciding to ditch the booze and join us back here in the TS family. I wish you and your hubby all the best and I look forward to hearing more from you. :pray:t2::two_hearts: one day at a time, together, we can do it!


Thanks Matt! I agree, I always find accumulating knowledge is a great motivator. I’m on it!! Thank you for the link!


Thank you!

1 Like

I love this!! Thank you for the idea and the inspiration. This is especially helpful in a time in my life (I suspect many feel this way), where it feels like things are out of my control and sliding ever-downward. Taking these incremental positive steps, and maybe even keeping a record of them, sounds like a good way to remind myself in the future of how far I’ve come!

