For the Love of Others

I knew my wife would never quit or cut down on her drinking as long as I drank. She would pretty much match me drink to drink. If I ordered another, so would she. She’s 2/3 my size, and I started to worry that she might begin to have liver problems or other health issues. I couldn’t let that happen. Sure enough, she drinks very little now that I’m sober. She never drinks at home out of respect for me. If we go out to dinner, she may have a glass of wine, while I stick to my mineral water and lemon, but that‘s all. She often comments about how much better she feels, and she has been able to drop the weight she’d been struggling with. I’ve also noticed that our friends seem to drink less when they’re around me. Have you seen this as well? How has sobriety rubbed off on your family and friends?


My husband and I were similar. We both used drugs together and then i was the one to make the first step into recovery. He sort of appeared to be annoyed at first about me saying no to using. But then quite quickly, he started seeing the benefits of being clean and sober. Now hes my biggest support on the days i get triggered to use. We both have the same clean date and are coming up to 2 years clean on Feb 13.