For those who believe in God

I’m 2 months into my sobreity.I have so much anxiety from alot of different things I used to drink away.Makes me sound like a crazy person.
There were alot of times I’d find myself drinking and a song talking about God and drinking would come on and I took it as a sign one in particular
Is called “Whiskey on my breath” Look it up if you haven’t heard it.Sums things up pretty well and hits home.
Anyhow I wanted to know if there’s anyone on here who believes God has helped them stay sober and if so do you have any advice or guidance?I grew up believing in God and still do but I struggle with a rebellious streak and a big temper.Whenever I started to feel guilty I would just drink.
Now I read a verse here and there but feel pretty lost still.Havent been to church in months only have watched stuff online.


@Restlesssoul your story sounds so similar to mine. I am struggling with sneaking alcohol into work, blacking out, not being able to make it past the gas station for a beer. I also was raised a christian going to church and I still believe in God. My evidence is the amount of times I’ve reached out to God at my lowest and he’s still brought me wonderful things when I chose to do the right thing and follow His will


I’m only 10 days behind ya. Remember the best part of that song states " Jesus died for all my sins". No matter what we accomplish with his help, we still our sinners. Your working hard @it & he’s guiding U.

1 Peter 5:6-7 Humble yourselves, therfore, under God’s mighty hand,that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for YOU."


@Ash I look back amazed I never got got sneaking alcohol into work.So damn lucky
I’m glad you can relate. I sometimes am afraid I’ve done too much damage, even my thoughts of drinking at feel guilty for.
@marty Thank you Marty I need to remind myself of that.I decided to read the Bible from the very beginning yesterday, I’ve never read the whole thing.My sister is so close with god and I’ve always wanted that but I have always been preoccupied with something else.partying drinking all that crap, I finally have a clearer head.I want to fully understand everything, sounds silly but I decided an audio app would be alot easier to use.

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I’ve always wanted to also, never have, guess it’s never to late

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@marty You totally should. Let me know if you do. :blush:
It’s be nice if I could be in church and they ask me to turn to a page and I know where it’s at.Or even when they reference a story about something that was crazy/amazing ND I’m like wait I think I remember that
…not sure.
Alcohol has killed alot of my memory, so It’s hard to remember things at times.

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Yea we’ve all killed alot of brain cells. Enjoy your weekend!

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I used to think during active addiction that i wasnt worthy of God’s love, or anyone else’s for that matter but through the 12 steps and getting my head clear enough, helped me to understand that God had been patiently waiting for me to surrender. I had to go through everything I went through in life in order to be humble and teachable. I try and pray every morning, and I do a bible study “women of faith” and have a “life recovery bible” and I learn so much more than just reading the bible. It’s amazing how God reveals things in the bible that I need to know when I need to know them. I’m not perfect at it, and many days I just don’t feel like doing it, but I try and connect with HIM in some way or another, every day. It’s really awesome that you started this thread!! Thanks so much!


@Restlesssoul all you have to do is pretty much everything you don’t feel like doing, if it’s the right thing to do. That’s how I got connected with my higher power granted I prayed for the courage and strength to do it but it happened. God will keep me sober if I let him if not then I get myself high.
What also helped me was a thinking of the type of person God wants me to be that came with prayer and meditation.
After that it’s all about living up to what God has in store for you

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I had a life in recovery bible from when I went to an AA meeting years ago…I wasn’t getting sober back then though and have no idea where it is now.
How has it different from a regular bible?I’m just curious since I didn’t open it up.
I’ve been using my Bible app which gives me a section to read each day and praying everytime I’m stressed out.The more I do the better I start to feel.

Thank you I think that means I need to get into church more.Patience and understand is what I really need since there’s alot going on for me right now. Life doesn’t stop for anybody even when we choose to get sober

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It’s great because it has notes on the page that explain the verses as how they relate to our addictions and recovery. There is even a 12 step workbook that you can get that goes with it. Has links that you can scan with your phone that will send you to YouTube that discuss that topic or step. Amazon has both, great tools to use.

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I don’t follow a faith but I believe there is a power greater than myself that helps me to stay sober and looks after me I had to become willing to believe there is something out there in order to carry on my journey as putting down the drink was only the start, I had to change my thinking. Today I am over a year sober, I’m Happy and calm. I don’t wake up in the morning thinking about a drink or worrying how am I going to stay sober today. I accept life on life’s terms and help others. All this has been me working on myself everyday to change and I’v been sober for over a year and listening to other’s. Its been a roller coaster but I no longer worry about all the things I used to worry about or care what other people think of me. This is coming from someone who dismissed the idea of being willing to believe in something other than myself and my own self will.


@MicheleH sounds like a good one I’ll have to find it .Thank you!!
I admire you for being over a year sober, I wonder what it feels like since I’m only slightly over 2 months.I look forward to feeling how you feel

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You just do it a day at a time, all you have is a day (as they say) the cool thing is that you can always look back on however far you’ve come and think wow. 2 months is amazing, and even in a week and a months time you will feel different to how you feel now :blush:


There is a horrible storm this morning so I watched church online today instead of attending. The reason I am sober is because of God and His never ending love for me. It took a while for me to fully grasp His infinite love for me, especially because I did not love myself. He has made every aspect of my life better than it ever has been. @Restlesssoul have you found a church yet?


I have two churchs that I enjoy going to.I havent been in a really long time thougg.I was supposed to go this morning before work but didnt end up waking up in time, totally my fault.
Maybe I will watch a service online at work today. Thank you for reminding me. :blush:

Look up the song Chain Breaker by Zach Williams. It’s my new favorite. God can break our chains if we only ask and trust


John 3:16 is my jam.


Looking it up now!!!