Force through your feelings

So, I know this doesnt apply with everyone in every situation, but i have always deflected processing my emotions sober. I always turned to illigal substances to control my symptoms. I thought i knew what my emotional outcome would be by this false sense of control.

Your body doesnt work through your problems properly when you’ve clouded your judgement. Emotionally, you stunt your growth and ability to process the root of your problems and just put your issues on the backburner. Sobering up pulls it all back up to the frontline and you have to swallow your pride and ask for help, it’s a lot to handle on your own, especially the longer you’ve self-medicated.

You have to resolve them without trying to mask the symptoms with illegal drugs. No matter how much you trust the source, you never know 100% what you’re doing, especially how bad the fentanyl epidemic has become.

If you cant work out these problems you face on your own, seek out professional help. Doctors are the only ones who should prescribe medications. Therapists are trained to guide and support you through recovery. This is s great form of support in recovery. Don’t be ashamed in reaching out for help, youll be surprised how many you can relate to and grow from.

I don’t know the statistics but majority of people admit to struggling with a mental illness, the rest of them have to be lying. Lol! Admitting it is the first step. Stay strong


thanks for this. i’m early in sobriety myself and this is exactly what i’ve increasingly become aware of, that it’s face-off time. all the deep seeded issues playing stories out thru difficult circumstances, sickening feelings and terribly limited beliefs, seeing and feeling them all. navigating them now with a new mind that knows it’s time to take responsibility, rather than fuck off and go black out. those days are over so now as all this stuff is coming up for me even though it can be deeply painful, i am welcoming it and organizing/processing what i can but i also realize i need help - so outside of this amazing community i also started seeing a therapist last week. its exciting to get to speak with someone 1-on-1 to move through all this stuff. for the first time in my life i am ready in earnest to face and sort out and work through the issues i’ve been drinking to ignore for so long. i’m ready and excited. :raising_hand_woman:t2::sparkling_heart: