Forever is a scary word

In the past I focused a lot on those milestones on the Sober Time App. I would add many more to them so I could focus on each week instead of waiting months for the next one. But in the end I was focused too much on those milestones. This time around I hardly ever open the milestones page of the app and I feel so much more at peace.

I’m not saying the milestones are a bad idea. Not at all. I think they are there for a very good reason. I’m just saying that for me I need to get away from that obsession. Because it really did become an obsession. Now it is literally ODAAT. (of course…I AM coming up on a major milestone for me…in 10 days I will officially have the longest continuous sobriety that I’ve had in this journey…96 days).


In the beginning, I didn’t care about days. I didn’t want to get overwhelmed I guess. I didn’t really tell anyone I quit for the first month. In a way I just wanted to feel better, no mater how long it took. The thought of forever was just too much.

After I slowly started feeling better, I went to the milestones, adding as well. I think the build up of a year was exciting. I enjoyed that part.

As the year went by, I kind of stopped checking as much. It is nice when I do and I see how many days, a surprise in a way.

Whatever it takes. To each their own. Do what works…

I just see a lot of first time posts where people say “I quit forever”. Then poof…, after a while you never see them again.

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@SinceIAwoke and @Meggers you guys had boats? I sooooo would have pawned a boat if I had one. Screw burning it.




I agree and thank you I will try this way of thinking!

Old timers in our Fellowship often say…”Breath in, breath out just don’t drink in between”. That really hit home for me when I first heard it. I Hope this helps anyone that’s struggling.