Four Months

4 mo almost 5 months clean and sober! days are flying right by me I’m constantly busy with work which is a good thing cause it helps keep me focused on my sobriety cause I know I can’t function safely and perform the task at hand. I’m trying so hard to better myself spiritually and connecting with my higher power who’s helped me on the long hard days when I’m absolutely drained from working a long 14hr shift instead of wishing or feeling like I need a pick me up I open the book and read a couple scriptures to take my mind off the negative thoughts. I hope all is well and that your still fighting the good fight! Much Love


Congratulations Jimmy on your 4 to 5 months clean and sober. That’s so good :blush:
It sounds like your working a good plan. Keep it up. ODAAT

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Great job! You’re doing awsome, even when times are tough. Keep going!

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Congratulations!! I’m working towards my 20 day goal and it’s the posts like yours that keep me going so thank you!!

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