Four Weddings and a Funeral

I’m watching this again tonight; it’s 20 years ago since it first appeared.
Such a lovely film, maybe one day we will meet ’ the one’.
It promoted Hugh Grant to stardom, followed by Notting Hill of course.

I met a special woman, fell in love, and got married. Turned out we were both alcoholics.
I lost my wife to breast cancer, some years ago now. I watch this film and think of her.

Just wondered what other people thought of the film?


I haven’t seen that movie myself, but maybe if you post about it on the film buffs thread, some folks there might have a few thoughts:


Thank you @Matt I didn’t know that group existed. Will post in there.
Apologies for posting in the wrong place - we are all learning on here.


No worries, there’s no “wrong” place for a movie question :innocent: I just figured you’d get more people seeing your question on a thread with more traffic :+1:


Is that the movie that had repeated scenes with the various actors waking up, looking at the alarm clock, and yelling “FUCK!” as first word of the day? :sweat_smile:
I remember it being a good film.

I’m sorry for your loss, @FarFromNormal. I’m guessing your wife would be mighty proud of your sobriety. :orange_heart:


I am so sorry you lost your wife to that horrible disease, @FarFromNormal :disappointed:

Love the film, it’s got so many hilarious, typically understated moments in it. My personal favourite is when he locks himself in a cupboard while two friends are having a sh*g but it gets too embarrassing and he walks out holding a pen, going “found it!” :rofl:

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