Freedom is the ultimate peace and that’s what I’m going after

This is my first time posting here. I found this community yesterday and I’m really glad I did. So much better than the other sober app I have been using on and off for a few years.

After 15+ years of being stuck in a cycle of self sabotage, due to self medicating with cocaine to get my dopamine release (hello neurodivergent community, fellow ADD neurospicey legend here!), I have been stuck in a constant struggle with my cocaine usage and addiction.

What first started off as partying with friends when I was younger, quickly turned into partying by myself and hiding my usage. The usage progressively got worse over the years and I have never sat down with anyone to tell
Them the full story.

I attended my first recovery meeting yesterday and I am determined to be free of these shackles once and for all.

Thanks for having me and I’m looking forward to getting to know you all better!


Congrats on taking the first steps. Glad you joined us and great work for taking action by going to meetings :clap::clap::clap:
Happy to have you here, welcome Talitha!


Freedom really is the gift that sobriety gives.
You are free to do anything at any time.
You give up one thing to gain everything.
Get after your freedom!


Thanks so much Naomi :two_hearts:


Absolutely. They say addiction is giving up everything for one thing, and sobriety is giving up that one thing, for everything……or something along those lines. I’m ready to give up that one thing, for everything. Bring on the freedom I say. I’m done with these shackles. :facepunch:t2::facepunch:t2:


Congratulations on taking steps toward freedom from addiction. I’m grateful you found this community and I wish you all the best Talitha.

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