Friday Struggles

Fridays are the hardest. When I was drinking, I was drinking daily but Fridays were different. They were the days I looked forward to because I could drink two bottles of wine instead of just 1. After a while, it was a couple bottles of wine and 5 shots of vodka. And then it became an entire bottle of vodka.

I would drive to work on Friday planning out the night. There was a liquor store by my office that I would stop at. I would buy nice bottles of wine, not the cheap stuff I drank the rest of the week.

And even though Iā€™m happy to be sober, every week I catch myself thinking about stopping at that liquor store. Just one more night of drinking sounds okay if itā€™s on a Friday.

But I know I canā€™t go down that road. What used to be my favorite day of the week is now my most challenging. It can be hard. Today is hard.

But then I remember, my new favorite day of the week is Saturday. On Saturday, I can wake up at 6 and go hiking instead of recovering from a hangover. And for that Iā€™m grateful.


I relate so much to what youā€™ve said. I know the feeling well and my drinking was similar, down to the nicer wines. I went to a really dark place before I dragged myself out of it, and Iā€™m so grateful, too. Those weekend mornings are precious. I really like Sundays now, too! I can actually enjoy the second half of the weekend and not be incapacitated or, at a minimum, dreading a Monday when I donā€™t even have a job/career right now. What a delight!

It is all worth it to get through the hard moments where our brains go after beating in a pattern of Friday night drinking for so long.

Thanks for sharing!!!


Thatā€™s awesome! Yes - feeling free, and feeling like we can look at ourselves and be satisfied with ourselves - that is the best. One of the greatest feelings :innocent:

Want to join in on the encouragement in the Friday thread? Itā€™s the place to be on Fridays :man_dancing: :dancer: :microphone:

Happy Friday Pica! :raised_hands:


I absolutely can relate to this. I would honestly do the same. And at work we would all talk about what drinks we would have afterwards. And I have been thinking about it as well today but just as you said, waking up the next day not feeling sick is one of the best feelings.
We got this. :relaxed::black_heart:


Yes I feel you here too. Friday & Saturday night used to be what I lived for! Now I find myself questioning whether to go to bed at 8 pm and wondering what to do with myself. But completely agree once the morning comes Iā€™m always glad to be sober. Itā€™s tough, but we got to keep going, keep it up :muscle:


Didnā€™t realize there was a Friday thread thank you! :laughing:

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I agree! I donā€™t dread mondays any more (well not as much at least :sweat_smile:) the weekends are much better when you can actually remember them


Exactly. I swear I get invited to happy hour every day at work.Running out of excuses haha I always used to say yes

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Iā€™m in bed by 10 every day now
Yes, we got this :+1:

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I hear you loud and clear. The two bottle nights were especially brutal when I spent the next day at work regretting it.

One of the main reasons I stopped is the shame and regret Iā€™d feel every Monday morning driving to work and tallying up the number of drinks Iā€™d had over the weekend. 25? 30? It was easily four bottles of wine plus beers here and there. Of course that didnā€™t even include the bottle of wine on Thursday nightā€¦

Day 40 for me, and ā€œ170 drinks passedā€ according to my handy counter.

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Congratulations on day 40!! Thatā€™s great :partying_face:
I like the way youā€™re keeping track of #of drinks. Never thought of doing it that way

Yep! Or like a zoom party. :woman_facepalming:t2:

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Omg yes early pandemic :woman_facepalming: way too many embarrassing zoom happy hours

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Omg I wish I could take some of those back :woman_facepalming:t2: Literally donā€™t know how people stayed my friends after it


Looks like youā€™re making it through another Friday. I saw your post but never had a chance to weigh in. Iā€™m glad youā€™re here. Thereā€™s always someone around as you have seen. Iā€™m glad you reached out for a bit of extra support. Thatā€™s half the battle. Reaching out for help. I could not do it alone.

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Thanks! @Dazercat
I also ended up going to another meeting tonight and it was pretty great. Going to do everything I can to maintain my sobriety :sunny:


Look at you GO!!!
Proud of ya.
Great job.

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Thank you :blush::raised_hands:

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Fridays were the big one for me too, I even wrote a similar post about them, but for me, they have become just like any other day now, so keep going :pray:t2::blush::blue_heart:

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ā€˜Freeā€™ time, i.e. time when drinking heavily was possible, was difficult and downright scary when I quit. The wrestling of thoughts was consuming. The more sober free time you accomplish, the more you no longer associate with drinking. I relish free time now, it really is a wonderful freedom.