Friday Thread #2

Gonna drive home from work in a little bit, stop and get some pizzas for the house, and than probably Run to the gym later. After that gonna hang out on the couch for the rest of the night. :v:


20:00. Just finished my dinner. And my long workweek. Going to join Luna on the couch in a mo and probably fall asleep. And/or try to find something watchable on HBO or NPO(Dutch) or Regular TV. Thank god I don’t feel any urge or need to join my old drinking buddies in the pub. Have a good one all. Will do some useful and nice stuff tomorrow. Love.


Happy Friday folks. Enjoy the end to your week the right way, free from misery, guilt and regret.

Waking up fresh as a daisy on a Saturday morning is what it’s all about my people :blue_heart:


Ah lovely Luna that looks so cooozzzyyy! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


The bf has gone to bed early which I was a bit miffed about but I just realised that there is a new series of The Apprentice (UK) so I am going to watch a bit of that on catch up. It is a total guilty pleasure but I LOVE IT!


Hope you managed to stay awake through your therapy session :laughing:


My fella just told me he’s meeting up with a coworker after work today and I’m perfectly cozy on the couch in my basement knitting and watching TV. It’s cold out! We did get a few inches of snow yesterday so it’s pretty out and not just grey. I don’t think I’ll be leaving the couch for much this evening.


After work is finished, I hope to hunker down at my computer and spend a few hours playing Genshin Impact. :laughing: Maybe I’ll listen to a book or a podcast while playing. Nothing too thrilling.


That sounds like a fantastic evening! Any particular show you’ve got in mind?


Work was so depressing, so much, that I totally freezed and think about getting sick leave and was even recommended to do so by 2 people that I am very familiar with.

I was totally over-hungry from a porridge in the morning until 4 pm… And had nothing at home. So I went to a grocery store after work and I had a conflict with a lady, that was so… Don’t know, that I just said “what the fuck” and smashed that Avocado in the tomatoes and left the store without buying anything.

That was a bit provocative maybe but so what…
She was one of the staff and said she doesn’t have time to let me just watch at these 20 sorts at tomatoes… Impressive of the colors and comparing the prices.

Ok? Ok! So I don’t have time to spend my money here. Please advise me to the FRO thread :grimacing::roll_eyes::sweat_smile::rofl: Pah!

So I bought my stuff for a Avocado tomatoe sandwich somewhere else. Then I had a hot water bottle and watching some music and favorite youtube stuff.

Finally i am just coming home from a badass swim workout… Focusing on form and just enjoying water and body for over 2000 meters, :swimming_woman:t2:

Now just chilling, sleeping and trying to take care of my life.



I’ve been watching Our Universe on Netflix and find it very relaxing and beautiful with some bittersweet mixed in. But I might watch something trashy that my husband doesn’t normally like watching!


Sounds perfect!

Am nearly finished my first episoe of the apprentice and i say do it!


Take advantage of that alone time!


Maybe not super trashy but I like competition cooking shows and suspenseful detective shows lol! My Dad and I share the latter and recommend shows to each other that we both watch on our own and talk about them. I need to find a new one!


Yes!!! In case of I set two alarms :grin:
Will not do it again. I am such a cozy at home in the evening person that it felt like I was having a night out - in at-home-cloths. Kinda weird. And my usual sleeping schedule is muddled. Was hungry when I came home (usually already asleep at this time), made a late snack and now I can’t sleep because I’m full :yawning_face: Seems this eating at unappropriate hours I did when drinking I can also do sober :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Happy Friday Gang!

Nothing special going on tonight, same ol’ same ol’.

Anyone got any good movie suggestions? I like thriller, heist and time travel movies. A thrilling time travel adventure about a heist would be perfect! :ok_hand:


Have you seen Emily the Criminal on Netflix? It’s been recommended to me and I just love Aubrey Plaza. Need to watch soon.


Got to make the most of solitary TV time whenever you can I reckon :laughing:

Do you get Come Dine With Me? One of my favourite cooking shows! But in people’s houses for dinner parties, rather than being judged by professional chefs.


I’ve got a big day tomorrow with a long bus trip, so I’m busy kicking back this evening. It’ll be an early morning tomorrow. :sunrise_over_mountains:


I had forgotten I’d heard about that show, looks like I can stream several versions on Amazon. Thanks!