Awesome!!! Your place will look lovely without the wall
Sending you good working vibes
Whoa! Looks great Rosa!
absolutely great!!!
Party at the farm
What would I bring?
A wallaby.
Or to be polite, enough wallabies so everyone could have one.
Party? Yessss
Wallaby? Yesss
Everyone bring something typical they like and we make a big mix & match food party
Or a big eat & pet animals party
Can I keep the Wallabies?
Can’t quite bring wallabies @erntedank @TrustyBird but I did catch a bit of argy-bargy by a couple young male whip-tail wallabies on Friday morning.
Hoping this link to YouTube doesn’t break the boards for people. Let me know if I should remove
If I could borrow this two for a visit at some bureaucrats who get on my a*#@…???
Wow!! I love it!!
They look very tall!!
That’ll do it for today. Feels great! Thanks @TrustyBird @erntedank @SassyRocks
Goodness, @RosaCanDo, that makes such a difference!
No messing around. You two got a lot of work done and it’s looking fantastic
Open space and talking from the couch to the person in the kitchen Love the concept.
You two are hard workers, looks great!
We used to try to talk to each other from each room thinking that the cut out window helped but noooooo, it was always, “what?!?” So yes, that was a big motivation. It feels like a different house, so much bigger. I feel like I can breathe. We also rearranged other rooms, moved his office to a different room and the bedroom next to the kitchen is now a dedicated pantry space. After 1.5 years here we were ready to make the big changes. It really feels like our home suited to our needs and wants. A great feeling!
Goodness, it has been a year and half?! Wow.
It sounds like you are doing some great feng shui work there, moving all that energy around!!! And a dedicated pantry…what is not to love???
I know, right?! Time flies…
The way you’ve described it fits, definitely getting our flow going in a productive way a la feng shui. It feels like a shift in our functional space but also mental space. The pantry will also sort of be a utility room, which we have sorely needed for things like the vacuum and cleaning supplies. It feels good to get organized! Without good storage space in the small kitchen things have been split between the basement and various closets. We realized yesterday that in the last week or so practically every room in the house has had some modification (improvement). What a great way to start 2025!
I love that for you!! From chaos to organized is one of my favorite things for my soul and brain. Everything in its place let’s my anxious side take a little breather. A great way to usher in this new 25!!
@RosaCanDo - can we get some pictures of what the kitchen and living room look like now, pretty please?