Friends From The Past

Day One Thoughts:

I watch the clock tick by and wonder how long it will take? Will it take a week? A month? A year? Ten? How long will it take until I have complete control? How long until I can start living without the worry that something bad will happen? I miss them, you know? My old friends. The ones that are toxic to my recovery. The ones who are more likely to pull me down than to raise me up. I know I can’t go back. I know I shouldn’t go back. I must be strong. I can’t continue to live in the past. I can’t continue to only see the “good times” with them that weren’t really all that good to begin with. I can make new friends. Ones who are supportive of my life decisions to turn away from life’s toxic things and embrace the good. Ones who won’t laugh in my face and tell me it is no use; it won’t work out; quit while you are ahead. Ones who I can go to for support even if it’s just to hear, “Hold on, it gets better. Just keep going!” I need to move on. I need to accept the painful loss of these toxic friends and pray that one day they too will be able to take that step…


Well I’m 115 days and I’m right there with you. Just keep pushing and like me remember you’re doing this for yourself. I feel lonely alot sometimes, but it’s part of recovery it will all be worth it. Welcome to the community

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Thank you for your words of encouragement and welcome. They mean a lot. :blush: I shall keep them in mind as a reminder.

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Thank you for your words of encouragement and welcome. You know, I think you’re right. It was just a false perception. I hate saying that because it makes me feel naive, but it’s true. We were just buddies, and I guess I miss that good feeling I got when we use to all get together. I pray the day will come when I can have those true friendship you speak of. :blush:

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