Frustrating sex drive?

Ive read it can happen but does this last forever? I have no desire in lookin for women, little to no sex drive. I feel like im totally shut down in that area. Little frustrating when i know i want that eventually… Im almost 85 days clean off opiates and feel like everything has came around except that…anyways you have coped?


You just gotta let it happen naturally, it’s maybe a good thing as there’ll be no one to pull on your emotions when you are putting the work in to staying sober so try to look for the positives.

One day you’ll turn a corner and it’ll be there when it’s the right time. Just trust it’ll happen when the time is right and focus on the other things for now.


Maybe it’s a good thing. Maybe your body is telling you that you need to focus on your sobriety.


I would agree with the advice you are receiving. For now you need to focus on you. Looking for that distraction just slows your growth. The more work you put in now the quicker you become capable of loving yourself and in that you will be able to share love to others. I know it’s not fun but hang in there it gets better.


You’re all out of whack and need time to readjust. Honestly, I’d say you might want to not worry about it for a year!

I have about the same problem. 42 days off meth and it’s like I don’t care either way in that area. If it happens cool if not just as well. From what I’ve read online it too is temporary.

I think it helpful to remember that our brains are our #1 sex organ. If our brains are recovering from years of abuse, and we are having to relearn how we process and deal with basic emotions, it isn’t surprising that sex drive…the most basic of all… (I mean this is lizard-brain basic) would also have to reset.

The good news is, the healthier we become, the faster all of these things will recover. Want it to recover faster? Get in the best physical and mental shape that you can possibly achieve and maintain. Healthy bodies support a healthy mind. A healthy mind controls a healthy body.


Totally agree :+1:

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Sure you should focus on yourself first. If you’re fine everything will come fine as well. Take yourself first!!!


Same problem here but I am married and spouse has other ideas. I have lots of sobriety so not sure what’s happening. Just tired, I guess.

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If you’re sharing a sober live I guess the feelings will increase again and your partner will notice

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Yes, spouse is also sober. Last time this happened, I took testosterone but it didn’t really help. So I quit that med.

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Just keep being focused :kissing_smiling_eyes: sure it helps

It definately feels like a light switch that you try to flick on yourself but no bodys home. Sometimes knowing im an addict can feel like a dark spot sometimes low blowing my confidence sometimes. I view people and users differantly seeing this side of the fence. Focusing on myself has made getting this far in sobriety easier…i guess its kinda like sobriety you cant rush it because it has no end date.

my sex drive is through the roof i have 6 months clean though. My sponsor is directing me to not be with women for 12 months… so im sexually frustrated on the opposite end of the spectrum… but it might not have anything to do with opiates. I have always had a very good sex drive honestly. I think when i was dope sick it wasnt there but that was like my first week.

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So for me after I hit like 30 days my sex drive was INSANE I could not get enough and the feeling was absolutely intense. The sex was so much better than it has been the in many many years when I was using. Well that only lasted a few weeks then my sex drive completely vanished. I am now close to 6 months sober and it is definitely picking back up. I don’t know if my body and mind was just overwhelmed from trying to heal, or what it is but trust me it comes back and sex is so much better sober lol

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I have no idea how old you are but it could have nothing to do with being clean via that many days out, alot of men have a decrease in testosterone after the age of 30.