Fuck the Addiction

Kicking it to the curb! Sobriety rocks!
In the mall & not shopping! Urge is there but fuck the high!


You be good.

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Being good! Only bought fries $5


Well you have gotta eat.

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Lol does your hoodie say “Bonjour Bitches”? :joy::joy: i love it.

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LOL everyone loves it!!! Thank you


Yes it does


My friend is downright spending a ridiculous amount today. Atleast $200 or more. Without stopping! I haven’t broke down to the urges.

Gosh that must be hard for you to watch, your doing so well! :+1:

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Fuck it is hard. I grab 1 item and I put it back. (Deep breathe).

I feel her high (lingering wanting knowing what the hit feels like) and urges as she’s doing it.


I think I would wanna go home.

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Not yet. Enjoying the conversation

Oh good, stay safe :purple_heart:

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I promise
I am actually realizing what I look like when I am doing that addictive behaviour. Hitting home. It’s sobering.

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Does your friend have the same addiction?

I believe she does. Former coke addict

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Glad your having fun and enjoying your friends company. See you do have a friend so bask in it you deserve it. :heart_eyes:

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You are right :slight_smile:
I made it home safe.
I didn’t give in

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