Fuck this , this , and that

Soooo , I was sober …

You’re back here now. Day one. You’ve got this.

I always want to ask, and I’m not sure if it’s ok or not, so I’ll just do it and see.lol

What led to you relapsing?
What are your plans to make sure that doesn’t happen again?


I was sober for almost 2 weeks , and I noticed I was going through the mood swings and I started getting the jitters and so I dialed and got it /:

Were/are you doing anything to strengthen your recovery or are you just white knuckling?


At some point you have to get over that awful hump of mood swings. Whether this time or next time you WILL face it, you WILL get past it, you WILL live. Drinking is not living … you’ll see

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“fuck it” almost killed me. Not a great recovery program.

Have you thought about going to outpatient?

I’ll be fine for 2 weeks max and I’ll ne super proud of myself but then the mood swings start and it hits me hard . Depression knocks me down and it gives me scary thoughts so that’s why I’ve noticed that I relapse everytime bc I can’t deal w the swings.

Just every day life . Work, home stuff , school , try to go to the gym (since it helps) but the swings get me in a mood of feeling … stuck I guess.

I think it would help if you focused a little more on recovery. It’s very rare that anyone can get sober without making changes or engaging in recovery programs or activities