Funny Quote or Phrase ur Parents always said

Hey y’all how you doing all right here we go tell me “What’s one or two funny quotes or phrases your parents would say when you were younger that would just blow you’re mine or irritate you but you now say it to your kids or friends?”. WHY would they say it?:rofl::rofl::crazy_face::crazy_face:

" one link of chain can’t rattle by itself"

ugh my mom said that when i would Fuss with my brother … like huh :thinking:


“you have to feed the chickens first”

My dad would say that when we didn’t do the important stuff first. He was right - but at the time we would say “dad we’re not farmers and we don’t have chickens!”



“You catch more flies with honey than vinegar” a reminder from my Dad that if you want life’s interactions to go smoothly, kindness helps. :honeybee:


Wish in one hand,shit in the other, and see which one fills up first. Good ole dad!


“Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi”

My mum, reminding me that I wasn’t allowed all that adults were. Literal translation: what Zeus is allowed, a cow isn’t allowed" :cow:


There’s a time and place for everything. Usually a reminder for me to pick the right time for certain conversations


“ keep your nose clean”

My mom telling me to stay out of trouble all through high school.

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Not every battle is worth fighting.

(Edit to add: this was my mom who told me that. She also said: some battles are worth fighting. Most are not, but some battles are worth fighting, and when you get one of those battles you fight it hard, until you get what you need.)

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Measure twice - cut once.


Not from my parents, but I like it.

One is none and two is one.

It’s a survivalist saying for bush and hike survival.


Angel of God
My Guardian dear
To whom God’s love commits me here
Ever this night be at my side
To light to guard to rule to guide

Night time prayer said together with my mother and brothers for years.