Gambling addiction in recovery

Been awhile since ive posted in here. Im over 4 years sober from alcohol and today ive come to surrender to the fact that im a compulsive gambler. I lost a months pay today but over the last 6 months its been full blown. I have been completely obsessed.

Today was the last straw. I thought with 4 years sober to alcohol i had the world in my hands and i never thought i would have to start in another 12 step program but here i am. I attended my first meeting today.

Newly married i understand if i dont get this in check it will destroy everything we have built and for myself everything j have built.

A very hard pill to swallow but here i am. Thankful for my experience in a 12 step program that i hope will make this easier. I have come too far to self destruct now.

Luckily i havent burned it all to the ground but playing the tape out it wouldnt be much longer.

A huge sense of relief to get this off my chest but man it can be tough to be born with an addictive personality.

Thanks for reading.


Welcome back and Congrats on your 4 years sobriety. That’s amazing and you should be very proud of it!! :partying_face:

Realizing your gambling problem is step one and you did so. Use the strength you have staying sober in this other part of your life. You can do this! Good for you for getting the help you need and if you need someone to talk to, lots of lovely people on here.

Amazing well done for recognising and naming the problem you have! As you said it is a very hard pill to swallow but so necessary. You’ve got over 4 years of experience under your belt, you know you can make a plan and follow it, you’ve got this! :muscle: Best of luck!

It’s glad to see that you’re choosing to grow.

If God sends you a fix to fix you
And you fix the fix before it fixes you
Then God will send you another fix to fix you

For me, my addiction was never the problem. It was the “medication” that I turned to when I couldn’t address my other root problems. And they are there. Otherwise, quitting would have been easy. So the journey began for me, asking God, “What do you have to teach me?” Identifying those problems was the hardest part for me.

Thanks for sharing. You got this.

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Hi there, I’m also a gambling addict and struggling with the craving “to win back what I have lost”. Today I hit rock bottom and I will have a couple of bills that I can not pay this month. Not a huge amount of debt but it stresses me out and it’s time to be an adult and stop the “nonsense”.

Today is day one of my recovery. Wish you all the best and maybe we can support eachother on this journey.

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Yep. Im on day 5. Its been very freeing/big monkey off my back. Im still in a financial hole but time will pass.

Ive been doing GA meetings online and getting and using numbers. Thanks for the reply. It wont get any better for a guy like me.

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Welcome. You clearly know that to do given the other recovery so that’s a strong start. I’m coming up to 3 years recovery on gambling and it will over time get easier.

Millie. Get to meetings and start the recovery process. It may not be easy or smooth but it’s worth it

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