Gastrointestinal Issues

So today is day 8 and my stomach and digestion is a mess. I know it can take up to 7 days for alcohol to fully leave your system, so I guess this makes sense. I’ve been eating healthier, especially for the last 4-5 days. Low carbs, no sugar, lean meats and high fiber. I was hoping that I would be feeling better. I just read about alcohol detox gastritis. I’ve had gastritis from drinking in the past (obviously). I was wondering if anyone has experience with this or can direct me to any literature that speaks to this issue.


Hi first off good job on eating healthy I’m on day 9 and I’ve been having some crazy cravings :sweat_smile: but I know that once I get used to not drinking I’ll be able to plan out much healthier meals :raised_hands: I don’t deal with stomach issues but I was just watching TikTok yesterday and saw videos about how great aloe Vera juice is for digestion issues - not sure if that’s helpful but you could look into it. There is so much helpful advice on TikTok if you search what you are looking for. Best of luck! :heart:

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I’d give it a few weeks, if you’re still not good then see a doc. There’s a lot of things that it could be and your doc would be the most qualified to discuss with.

Meanwhile, read up on sober poops, there may be some insight there.

Sober Poops

2 weeks ago was my 40th bday. I was on a work trip and it was nonstop drinking on top of my usual drinking. When I got home I was nauseous for 3 days. Realized I was probably facing gastritis. Day 11 now and my stomach has been more “normal” than I’ve been in the past 20 years!!

Give it more time, but I also agree perhaps best to check in with a doctor to give the official word.

Congrats on your journey so far!

I would just give it some time. Your body is adjusting back to a normal diet. I would look into taking probiotics… They can help with your gut bacteria and health. Help with digestion and give you more energy . But obviously if you’re still having issues in a couple weeks I would just try to see a doctor. Most things end up working themselves out with time … But in the meantime make sure to drink plenty of water, and try to stay away from things that might irritate your stomach more. Like junk food. But it seems like you’re taking the healthy steps and staying sober. You’re on the path