Getting better has been hard

Haven’t said anything on here for a bit. But, I still come on here and read everything, as you guys have given me a lot of strength and encouragement seeing the light at the end of this dark tunnel. This process so far has been pretty difficult not going to lie. I’ve had ups but I’ve had a lot more downs. I am still in the beginning. This past week I’ve been challenged with cravings again…… so weird because I thought after withdrawals they would go away but they just haven’t, they come and go at the most random times. I was not having any cravings for almost a couple weeks but it just came back and hit me like a truck a few days ago. I am happy to say though I am choosing to push through this and stay strong as I know the outcome is for the greater good and I remind myself I’m doing this for me because I love myself and need to take care of my mind and body. More importantly I’ve noticed I’ve been starting to become happy again, and not having panic attacks everyday. I still get bad anxiety here and there but I’m working through that. Even people around me are even noticing I’m becoming myself again. It’s crazy how much alcoholism can suck so much from you, you almost forget who you are. Anyways, just wanted to vent my thoughts.



Congratulations on the 60 days. But also Congratulations on getting back to your true self

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Congratulations on your 60 days, it’s a huge accomplishment!! :balloon::balloon::balloon::tada::tada::tada:

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Congratulations on hitting 60 days, keep pushing through the cravings, it really is worth it :sparkling_heart:

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Congratulations on 60 days! That’s a HUGE accomplishment. Im coming up on 5 years sobriety and NEVER in a million years would have thought i could come this far. I totally get what you mean when you say you have those cravings here and there. I think i got cravings for a few years to be honest, but you’ll just get stronger and stronger throughout your journey. Stay strong, you got this… and before you know it you’ll be at 1 year, then 2, so on…


Congratulations on your 60 days sober Lys :balloon::birthday::balloon: that’s a great achievement.

Alcoholism is a sneaky desease. You addict brain will always try to tell you lies about the magic of a drink.
It’s all lies, you know that yet. But you have to be prepared. Cravings will pop out unexpectedly even later in sobriety and we have to be aware.
We need to have a plan and a toolbox at hand to fight it. Being here and reading around all these threads does a lot to me. I’ve learned so much and still do.
A sober life is a journey.
I’m so glad you are here with us, Lys.
Have wonderful sober Thursday and keep on doing the good work :wave:


That’s a big win!
And there is more to come I promiss you.
Congratulations with the 60 days :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:

For me the 90 days where the biggest hurdle to take, after that it seems my life got more balanced out and less difficult.
Still have cravings sometimes but they are easily to get trough if I keep doing my “work” like being here and talk about my emotions instead of chewing on them :hugs:


Well done on your 60 days thats amazing! One thing id advise if you havent already is to get some blood work checks…i was found to be really low on vitamin B12 which can make you extremely tired and can cause other withdrawal type effects…past alcohol use can rob the body of b vitamins and other things so see if you can get a full check see if your ok so you can fire on all cylinders. Im so proud of you :clap: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :people_hugging:


Congratulations on your 60 days!! It is hard and you are doing it!! Go you!! I did find that milestones sometimes made my brain act up…but it passed eventually. You have a lot to be proud of!! Keep going!!


That is great! :star2::star2::star2::star2:

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Thanks you so much it means everything! :heartpulse:

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Well done and so inspiring!!! Keep on pushing!!

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Wow congratulations!!! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:

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Congratulations :tada::sparkler::tada: 60 days :star_struck::sun_with_face: be proud of yourself

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This is a great post. Congratulations on 60 days! Let’s keep going together :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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I love this!!! Congratulations on 60 days and thank you for sharing.
You are doing amazing.

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Congrats on your 60 days! I’m so proud of you for staying committed to your recovery when things are hard. That’s really the key. Well done, you!!! :heartpulse:

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I never thought of this before but I’ll go and get some bloodwork because I definitely noticed that I have way less energy to do a lot of things! Thank you!!!


Yeah thank you I can’t wait to make it too 90 days!! I take it step by step and it’s been rewarding as I make it another day!!!


Also wanted to say thank you to everyone here that has been supportive and congratulating me! You all ROCK!! 🩵