Getting my 1st sober tattoo today

Getting my 1st sobriety tattoo later this afternoon. It’s not my 1st tattoo… I have about 7, but they are all really old. Like 20+ years old. But this one will be my first one celebrating not drinking anymore and also, if I remember, my first one were I wasn’t drinking while getting inked!

Then, after this one, next week the artist will begin reworking some of my old ones into one new arm 1/2 sleeve. Yesterday was my birthday, and I want so much of the past behind me. The past few years have been up and down but I am really looking forward to a beautiful sober future and I have AA and many of you here to thank for that. :slight_smile:


I hope we get to see the results :slight_smile: happy belated birthday!


Will do. The sober one is very very simple… :smiley:

I can’t wait to see it. I’m waiting to get a sister tattoo. I have 4 older sisters and they all got the same one on their wrist. I’m the last but haven’t been able to get in due to covid. Maybe I’ll get a sobriety one for my 1 year anniversary.
Happy belated birthday. I hope you enjoyed your day. Mine was 2 days ago.


Thanks! It was the first birthday I didn’t drink in I don’t even remember how many years. I went out to lunch by myself for some reflection time and my kids made me cupcakes. All good. :slight_smile:


@Lisa07 Lisa - Happy B day then to you too July sister!


It was my 1st sober bday in years too. It felt good to wake up without a hangover. I had ice cream cake and that was good enough for me. Being sober was the best present I ever gave myself.


Looking forward to seeing it!

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Woohoo! I am planning on getting a tattoo of my higher power once I get to one year - only 11 more months to go :joy:. But I’ll get there!

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Well, apparantly I did things backwards and we started reworking my arm. Took a rest after 3.5 hours and I have to go back next week. I’m feeling amazing so far, so happy to cover up some old drunk history. The rose covers up on I got 22 years ago… so happy for this new chapter.


I have one I just got a couple months ago…it won’t let me upload a picture but it’s an ambigram that reads
“Save Me”
“I’m fine”
If you flip it upside down


I really like that… I just got a tattoo of my sons handprint on my chest… It reminds me that I’m not only sober for me but for him to.



Beautiful so far Kelly! I can’t wait to see next week.

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I know it might seem egotistical having ones name on themself. The bird I had about 25 years… so he reworked it. I had my name on it originally because it celebrated that I lived past 21… which at that time I wasnt in a good place. So almost 25 years later I kept it to honor that girl. Glad I am still above ground.
Feeling more positive. One day at a time.


…… continued……

Here I am in 2024.

I’d like to get a small tattoo of my sobriety date. Still haven’t done that. Anyone have any to share?


I just stumbled upon this thread, your reworked tattoo looks amazing,!

I have a few tattoos, none of them with my sobriety date but all of them related to my mental health. I am considering one more but don’t really have a firm idea yet, these things take time for me to come to fruition.

What are you considering?

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Probably just my sobriety date, the original one when I walked myself into an AA meeting. But want something minimal.

I haven’t gotten anything in the past few years. Tattoos are much more expensive here in the USA than when I lived in SE Asia!

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I lived in SE Asia for a while too, in China to be precise. Wouldn’t have dared to get a tattoo for the simple fact that my Mandarin wasn’t even good enough to get a haircut let alone something far more permanent :joy:

Where did you live?

You can see my tattoos here:

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Nice! I was in Thailand a year then in Laos for 13 years….

More comfortable there than here.